Combava Petitgrain

Combava Petitgrain

Latin Name: citrus hystrix
Alternative Name: petitgrain
Forms Available: essential oil, leaf

Combava Petitgrain – citrus hystrix – steam distilled leaf, Madagascar (organic). Its aroma is almost clove like. Its properties are anti-infectious, antiseptic, liver decongestant, very calming with hormone like properties. Indicated for liver congestion and insufficiencies of the ovaries and testicles. It is also a sedative indicated for anxiety, stress, agitation, and insomnia. Useful for skin inflammation, avoid on sensitive skin. Blends well with frankincense and lavender.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: aroma is almost clove like. Its properties are anti-infectious, antiseptic, liver decongestant, very calming with hormone like properties. Indicated for liver congestion and insufficiencies of the ovaries and testicles.

Other Uses: Used to ease aguish and release emotional tension

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