Category Archives: Stomach Problems

To puke or not to puke: 4 quick ways to nausea relief with aromatherapy

Nausea is common with everyone, everywhere. People concur it once in a while so much so that nausea relief has become an in-demand remedy for all and sundry. Frequent occurrence of nausea can also signal symptoms of other disorders like cancer, heart attack as well as kidney and liver disorders. Common cause of the ailment maybe on account of stomach irritation, indigestion, motion sickness, flu or food poisoning. The condition can generally be identified by the presence of a queasy or uneasy feeling in the stomach and through the esophagus, accompanied with a vomiting sensation. It has been discovered that nausea can be relieved through use of highly concentrated essential oils.

Why essential oils for nausea? First, they do not cause any side effects. Second, massaging them can be contraindicated, so they are often be inhaled or ingested in small amounts. Third, with essential oils, you do not just treat the ailment (nausea), but also improve your digestion and alleviate any possibilities of colitis or ulcers. Essential oils act as digestive stimulants and relax the intestinal muscles from cramping and intestinal gas formation.

Nausea relief remedies: To cure nausea, you need to first understand what causes nausea and why it needs to be cured. Nausea is the result of an impairment in your digestion process. The cause of the condition can be range from anything between stress or overwork to tension or high blood pressure. When adequately ingested or massaged, essential oils can counteract with the existing condition, by relaxing the body and alleviating the intestinal pressure. The oils can signal the brain by working at the first stage of digestion and evoke an  instant response from the body. They achieve this by making the  brain releases digestive juices in the mouth, intestine and stomach to encourage proper assimilation of food into the body.

Below are a list of few essential oils and aromatherapy recipes to aid in digestion and prevent/treat nausea:

1. Ideal essential oils: Make an essential oil blend with drops of essential oils you like and 20 ml of carrier oil or vegetable oil. Once done, shake your container thoroughly and use it in your bath water or inhale it deeply. The ideal essential oils for curing nausea are – Peppermint oil, Lavender oil, Orange oil and Ginger oil.

2. Peppermint recipe: Jeanne Rose, author of the book, ‘Applications and Inhalations’, suggests the following nausea-relief recipe with Peppermint oil: Add a single drop of Peppermint oil to a sugar cube and suck it slowly till it gets completely melted. This would relieve nausea instantly and leave your stomach and food pipe with the freshness of Peppermint. Another remedy is to add two drops of the oil to 8 oz of water and consume it.

3. Digestive oils/stimulants: Some essential oils act as digestive stimulants. In that, they relieve the intestinal cramps and ease the process of digestion. By this, they give better option for the food to digest and that improves poor appetite and avoids gas formation. Peppermint, Ginger, Dill, Coriander and Fennel work wonders here. Other oils like Rosemary, improves food absorption, while Basil overcomes nausea from chemotherapy. Oils to eliminate intestinal gas include – Black Pepper, Clary Sage, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rosemary and Thyme. Chamomile oil can help reduce heartburn and stomach pain too.

4. Tummy oil recipe: The below recipe can help you soothe your stomach by massaging the blend on to the abdomen area. Add 2 drops of Lemongrass oil, 2 drops of Chamomile oil, 2 ounces of vegetable oil along with 1 drop of Fennel oil. Massage the blend over the abdomen area to thwart indigestion, nausea, intestinal gas, appetite loss, motion sickness etc. You can even add this blend to your bath water and use it for nausea relief.