Beauty Bush

Beauty Bush

Latin Name: callicarpa americana
Alternative Name: american beautyberry, french mulberry
Forms Available: fruit, root, leaf

Beauty Bush – callicarpa americana – The roots of this plant make a tea that treats colic, dysentery and stomach aches. The leaves are used to treat dropsy and the root bark has been used as a diuretic.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: The root bark is diuretic, Tea made from the root is a treatment for dysentery, stomach ache and colic.

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Beet Root

Beet Root

Latin Name: beta vulgaris

Forms Available: powder

Beet Root – beta vulgaris – The beautiful red-purple color of beet root is a clear sign of the amazing plant pigments known as carotenoids. Beet root powder when used in soapmaking will produce colors ranging from deep yellow to kidney bean/red-brown color to deep pink/purple. Beetroot powder can be used to create a deep pink to purple-colored oil with which you can tint skin care products naturally.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Beet root is a good source of mineral, particulary easy-to-assimilate iron. It is helpful in the digestion of fats, gallbladder infections, and digestive problems

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Latin Name: styrax benzoin
Alternative Name: ben, benjamen, gum benjamin, gum benzoin, siam benzoin, siamese benzoin, sumatra benzoin
Forms Available: resin, gum

Benzoin – Styrax benzoin – Benzoin is a shrubby tree with gray bark, simple leaves, and short racemes of small, fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers. The scented yellowish resin is thought to be created in response to injury, so it is tapped by making hatchet incisions in the trunk. The resin, called benzoin or gum benjamin, is used as incense, a fixative in perfumes, and is added to cosmetics to prevent fats turning rancid. The tree resin is used externally, diluted with water, as an antiseptic skin wash. Taken internally, it relieves intestinal gas and is antiseptic to the urinary tract. Take ten to twenty drops in water or tea four times a day. Put it in vaporizers or use it as an inhalant for bronchitis, and laryngitis. A simple method is to place it, along with a few drops of the oils of peppermint and eucalyptus, in a bowl of boiling hot water. Put your face as close to the bowl as you can and cover your head, and the bowl, with a towel. Inhale the steam. Tincture of benzoin is often added to salves as a preservative; -one pound of benzoin to about one and a half quarts of salve. Benzoin is used in Aromatherapy but may cause allergic reactions.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Asthma; Bronchitis; Laryngitis; Chills; Flu; Colic; Coughs; Itching; Arthritis; Colds; As a Sedative. Benzoin has been found to help retain skin elasticity. It is valuable in treating dry, cracked skin and is believed to be anti-depressant.

Other Uses: An herb of purification, burned in incense to sanctify an area. The scent is also used to attract business when combined with basil, peony or cinnamon. Dilute the essential oil and rub onto the body to increase your personal power.

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Bergamot Mint

Bergamot Mint

Latin Name: mentha citrata

Forms Available: essential oil, leaf

Bergamot Mint – Mentha citrata – This herb is sometimes confused with the Citrus of the same name. Bee Balm is also called bergamot at times. This is a hairless mint with thin smooth leaves and purple runners, it has purplish flowers. In full sun it develops a strong citrus scent and the whole plant is tinged purple. In shade the color is more coppery. Use it as an aromatic herb in potpourri or to make a honey-sweetened drink. The flavor is not so good for cooking. Also called Eau De Cologne Mint.

Other Uses: The leaves of bergamot mint are slipped into wallets and purses to attract money. Fresh leaves are also rubbed onto money before spending it to ensure it’s return. Also used in “success” rituals and spells.

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Beth Root

Beth Root

Latin Name: trillium erectum
Alternative Name: american beth root, indian balm, purple trillium, lamb’s quarters.
Forms Available: leaves

Beth Root – trillium erectum – The leaves of this plant can be eaten both raw and cooked. The root of the plant is antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, expectorant and a tonic. A poultice from the plant is used on inflammations, ulcers, skin issues, and insect bites. For internal use, the steroidal saponins of this plant have been added to gynaecological and obstetric medications. It is used, amongst other things, to treat haemorrhage of the uterus, urinary tract, and lungs and to ease heavy menstruation. The north american indians have taditionally used this herb to aid childbirth and to relieve other female issues such as irregular menstruation and menstrual pains.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Antiseptic; Aphrodisiac; Astringent; Birthing aid; Expectorant; Poultice; Tonic

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Latin Name: stachys officonalis, stachys betonica, betonica officinalis
Alternative Name: wood betony, bishopwort, lousewort, purple betony
Forms Available: Leaf, flower, stem, root

Betony – stachys officinalis or Stachys betonica or Betonica officinalis – Also known as Bishopwort, Wood Betony or Purple Betony. Wood betony has fairly pungent, scalloped, hairy leaves and spikes of pale magenta summer flowers. A Druid sacred herb. The aerial parts provide a tea substitute and are added to tonics and herbal cigarettes. An infusion is mildly sedative and cleansing and is a nerve and circulation tonic for migraine, anxiety, indigestion, drunkenness, and difficult labor. Wood Betony was an Anglo-Saxon protective charm

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Has been used in folk herbalism as a calming remed. Used for headaches and nerualgia. Also used as an anti-inflammatory.

Other Uses: A very powerful herb to the Druids as it has the power to expel evil spirits, nightmares and despair. Burned at Midsummer Solstice for purification and protection. Sprinkle around or near all doors and windows to form a protective barrier.

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Latin Name: betula alba
Alternative Name: common birch, white birch, beithe, bereza, berke, beth, bouleau, lady of the woods, monoecia triandria, b. pubescens, b. verrucosa
Forms Available: essential oil, leaf, bark, twig

Birch – Betula alba – A Druid sacred tree. Also known as Lady of the Woods, Paper Birch or White Birch. The antibacterial leaves give a diuretic tea used to treat gout and rheumatism, to dissolve kidney and bladder tones and to lower cholesterol. Steep two teaspoons of leaf per cup of water for twenty minutes. The dose is one to one a half cups over a day. Birch twigs and leaves are simmered and added to the bath for itchy skin conditions and falling hair. Taken before bed, the tea is sedative. The young shoots and leaves make a tonic laxative. The inner bark is simmered and used in fevers. Twigs and bark are simmered using two teaspoons of plant per cup of water for twenty minutes. The dose is one-fourth cup four times a day. The twigs of B. lutea -Yellow birch, and B. lenta -black birch, are gathered in spring and simmered gently for twenty minutes to make a delicious beverage. Please note: the leaves must be used fresh, and not after Midsummer, as they will then contain natural insecticides. The white birch has no real flavor and does not make a good beverage tea. The bark and bud oil are used in medicated soaps.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Gout; Rheumatism; Eczema; Ulcers.

Other Uses: The traditional broom of witches is made of birch twigs. Protection, purification, wards negativity, love, new beginnings. Birch is a feminine tree and an embodiment of the Great Mother, cradles can be made of her wood as a protection for the child.

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Birth Root

Birth Root

Latin Name: trillium grandiflorum
Alternative Name: snow trillium, white trillium
Forms Available: root

Birth Root – trillium grandiflorum – The leaves of this plant can be eaten cooked. The root of the plant is applied as a poultice on aching joints, particularly rheumatic ones. The root is also steeped in water to make a tea which relieves cramps and irregular menstrual cycles. Decoctions of the root have been used, as drops, to relieve sore ears.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: antispasmodic, diuretic, emmenagogue, opthalmic

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Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh

Latin Name: cimicufuga racemosa
Alternative Name: bugbane, bugwort, rattleweed, squaw root.
Forms Available: root, herb

Black Cohosh – cimicifuga racemosa – The root of this plant has been tradionally used by Native American Indians for treating female issues such as painful menses and menopausal problems. This herb has many valuable properties. It has been used to improve circulation and lower blood pressure, to relieve arthritis, and as an expectorant. It is anti inflammatory, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, astrigent, emmenagogue, expectorant, vasodilator and relieves female problems. The plant is a natural insect repellent.
Caution: this root is toxic so do not overuse AND avoid if pregnant.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: This plant is anti inflammatory, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, astrigent, emmenagogue, expectorant, vasodilator and relieves female problems. It plant is a natural insect repellent.

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