

Latin Name: forsythia suspensa
Alternative Name: lian giao, weeping forsythia, golden bells
Forms Available: flower, root, leaf

Forsythia – forsythia sespensa – This is a very used herb in chinese herbalism. It is used in upper respiratory tract infections. This herb has also been used for tonsillitis, mumps, and urinary tract infections. The flowers have anti-bacterial properties. The root treats colds, flu, fever and cancer.
Caution: not recommended for use in pregnancy due to the herb’s ability to act as a uterine stimulant.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: A vital chinese herb. Treats upper respiratory tract infeciton, tonsillitis, mumps, colds, flu, fever, cancer and urinary tract infecitons.

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Latin Name: digitalis purpurea
Alternative Name: fairy gloves, fairy fingers, dead men’s bells, cow-flop, Digitalis, dog’s finger, fairy weed, fairy petticoats, fairy ghimbles, floppy-dock, floptop folk’s gloves, fox bells, the great herb, mouth, lusmore, lus na mbau side,our lady’s glove

Foxglove – Digitalis purpure – Also known as Fairy Gloves, Fairy Fingers, or Dead Men’s Bells. A Druid sacred herb associated with the “little people”.
Caution: This plant is poisonous and should be used by qualified personnel only.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: The heart mediction, digitalis, comes from this plant. and is used for congenital heart defects. Foxglove is a highly toxic plant and is therefore very dangerous in high doses.

Other Uses: Grow in a garden for protection of house and yard.

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Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil

Latin Name: boswellia carterii
Alternative Name: incense, olibans, olibanum, olibanus
Forms Available: essential oil, tears, resin

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Frankincense originates from a  scraggly but hardy tree indigenous to the Middle East, which is small with abundant pinnacle leaves and white or pale pink flowers. The resin begins as a fragrant sticky milky-white liquid that flows from the trunk of the tree when cut. The dried tears are collected, and the resin is then distilled, producing the precious oil. The resin is known as olibanum, derived from the Arabic al-lubān or ‘that which results from milking’, referring to the milky sap. It is used as incense, and has been traded for 5,000 years.  Widely used in ancient Egypt, it was one of the ingredients used in the holy oil described in the Talmud. Frankincense was brought back to Europe by Frankish Crusaders (Frank-incense), and the oil is still highly prized today in the perfumery industry, and widely used in the manufacturing of skin-care products.

Frankincense essential oil is also useful in promoting spirituality and meditative states.  Dilute before applying to the skin as it may be irritating.  Pliny claimed that Frankincense was an antidote to hemlock poisoning.  Avicenna advocated its use for tumors, fevers, vomiting, and dysentary.  Chinese herbalists use it in powder form and in teas for rheumatism and menstrual pain, and externally as a wash for sores and bruises.  The dose is three to six grains in a glass of wine; or twenty drops of the tincture.  Frankincense is highly antiseptic and the scent is said to calm and clear the mind.
Caution: Prolonged use of resins can damage the kidneys.

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Visit for more information on the traditional ayurvedic and aromatherapeutic uses of Frankincense Oil. Learn about the natural chemical components that give Frankincense Oil its fragrance and therapeutic characteristics.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Oil – Blemishes; Dry and Mature Complexions; Scars; Wounds; Wrinkles; Asthma; Bronchitis; Colds; Coughs; Flu; Laryngitis; Cystitis; Anxiety; Nervous Tension; Stress-related Conditions. Frankincense has the ability to slow down, and deepen the breath.

Other Uses: Sacred to the Sun God Ra, frankincense is burned in rites of exorcism, purification, and protection. It is said to accelerate spiritual growth. Use for spirituality, exorcism, purification, luck and protection rites.

Thought for the day:

To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.
-Beverley Nichols

Suggested Reading:

  1. Frankincense & Myrrh by Martin Watt, Wanda Sellar
  2. The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, & Longevity by Swami Sadashiva Tirtha
  3. Fragrance & Wellbeing: Plant Aromatics and Their Influence on the Psyche by Jennifer Peace Rhind
  4. Holistic Cancer Protocols with Essential Oils by Dr. Deborah McFarland

Reference Links:

  1. Frankincense by Wikipedia
  2. Frankincense in Ayurveda and Aromatherapy by Vishnu Dass, Ayurvedic Herbology
  3. Chemistry and Immunomodulatory Activity of Frankincense Oil by Botros R. Mikhaeil, Galal T. Maatooq, Farid A. Badria, and Mohamed M. A. Amer Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt, published in Naturforsch
  4. Frankincense essential oil prepared from hydrodistillation of Boswellia sacra gum resins induces human pancreatic cancer cell death in cultures and in a xenograft murine model, published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
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Latin Name: alpinia officionalis or a. galanga
Alternative Name: low john the conquerer, chewing john, china root, colic root, east india catarrh root, galingal, gargaut, india root, kaempferia gaanga, rhizoma galangae, galanga, kæmpferia galange, siamese ginger.
Forms Available: essential oil

Galangal – alpinia officionalis or A. galanga – Also known as Low John the Conquerer or Siamese Ginger. Galangal has dark green, sword-shaped leaves, white flowers with pink veins, round red seed capsules, and a rhizomous rootstalk that smells of ginger and camphor. The rhizome has a spicy, gingerlike flavor used in Southeast Asia soups and curries. The young shoots and flowers are eaten raw and the flowers can be boiled or pickled. The rhizome yields an essential oil, essence d’Amali, used in perfumes.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Galangal is used as a treatment for seasickness. It is also used, with other herbs, to treat intestinal candida.

Other Uses: Use tincture for luck, money, protection, exorcism and psychic development. Ginger can be substituted.

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Latin Name: gardenia jasmenoides

Forms Available: Flower

Gardenia – gardenia jasmenoides – This evergreen shrub or small tree has exquisitely scented white double flowers and orange-red fruits, with glossy, dark green leaves.

Other Uses: Health, Healing; Love; Peace; Psychic Awareness; Spirituality. Place fresh blossoms in sick rooms or on healing altars to aid the process. Add dried petals to healing mixtures. Dried gardenia is scattered around a room to induce peaceful vibrations.

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Garlic Chives

Garlic Chives

Latin Name: allium tuberosum
Alternative Name: nira, gow chow, chinese chives
Forms Available: bulb, leaf, seed

Garlic Chives – allium tuberosum – A herb that tastes and smells like garlic. Garlic chives have been used to improve digestion, boost the immune system, treat fatigue and anemia, and to treat internal parasites. This is an anti- bacterial herb. It has been used to strengthen the kidneys and bladder.
This herb is used in cooking and makes an excellent moth repellent.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: An antibacterial herb, strengthens kidneys and bladder, boosts the immune system, improves digestion, and treats fatigue and anemia.

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Garlic Mustard

Garlic Mustard

Latin Name: alliaria petiolia
Alternative Name: hedge garlic
Forms Available: seed, leaf

Garlic Mustard – alliaria petiolia – The leaves of this plant, when eaten, relive asthma dn bronchitis. If applied in a poultice, externally, the leaves aid the healing of sores, ulcers, rheumatism, gout and neuralgia.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: If taken internally, the leaves relieve bronchitis and asthma.

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Latin Name: allium sativum
Alternative Name: ajo, poor man’s treacle, stinkweed
Forms Available: bulb

Garlic – allium sativum – Garlic has a clustered bulb made up of several bulblets -cloves- enclosed in a papery tunic. It has a single stem with long, thin leaves and an ubmel of edible, rose-tinted white summer flowers and a bulb whose flavor increases the more it is sliced or crushed. Cooking with fresh ginger prevents the slight nausea some experience with Garlic. Garlic repels insects and can be applied to their bites and stings. The cloves add flavor to savory dishes, especially in hot countries where the plants develop the best flavor. Garlic purifies the blood, helps control acne, and reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and clotting. Tests confirm antibiotic activity against samples of candida, cholora, staphylococcus, salmonella, dysentery, and typhus: and a mild antifungal action. Garlic clears phlegm, thus providing treatment for colds, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and whooping cough. New tests suggest it has a role in treating lead poisoning, some carcinomas and diabetes. It’s said that growing garlic around potatoes reduces potato blight.
The garlic bulb is one of the great herbal “polycrests” – herbs of many uses. Fresh garlic is a preventative and a cure for intestinal worms. It is generally taken in one-teaspoon doses, three to six times a day, with some grated fresh ginger root. Garlic is a natural antibiotic for internal and external use. Mash it and use as a wound dressing. For a sore throat, lightly roast unpeeled cloves in a dry frying pan, peel them when they grow soft, and eat them. For pinworms, a slightly smashed fresh clove can be inserted into the rectum with olive oil. For vaginal infections, smash a few cloves and wrap them in cheese cloth. Insert directly into the vagina. Fresh raw garlic is more effective than the powdered and extracted forms available for sale. Garlic has been shown to be more effective than tetracycline as an antibiotic.
CAUTION: Pregnant women and persons with “hot and fiery” temperaments should avoid overuse of garlic.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: A natural antibiotic, reduces mucous, blood thinner, cholesterol lowering, insect repellant.

Other Uses: In the home, braids of garlic guard against evil, repel thieves, turns away the envious, and of course, garlic protects against vampires. It is a very effective blessing for a new home. Worn, garlic guards against foul weather.

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Latin Name: teucrium canadense
Alternative Name: wood sage, creeping germander
Forms Available: leaf

Germander – teucrium canadense – A stimulant and tonic. Used to calm and aid sleep. The leaves have antiseptic qualities.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: A calming plant for hysteria, sleeplessness. Antiseptic when applied in poultice to wounds.

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Latin Name: zingiber officinale
Alternative Name: african ginger
Forms Available: essential oil, ground, root

Ginger – zingiber officionale – Ginger has an aromatic rhizome, erect stems of two ranks, lance-shaped leaves, and spikes of white flowers. The rhizome is used fresh, dried, pickled and preserved. Essential to Asian dishes. Crystalized or infused Ginger suppresses nausea. Ginger tea eases indigestion and flatulence, and reduces fever.
the root is warming to the body, is slightly antiseptic, and promotes internal secretions. Chop about two inches of the fresh root, cover with one cup of water, and simmer for about twenty minute, or one-half teaspoon of the powdered root can be simmered in one cup of water. Add lemon juice, honey, and a slight pinch of cayenne. A few teaspoons of brandy will make and even more effective remedy for colds. This preparation treats fevers, chest colds, and flu. A bath or a foot-soak in hot ginger tea is also beneficial. The tea without additives helps indigestion, colic, diarrhea, and alcoholic gastritis. Dried ginger in capsules or in juice is taken to avoid carsickness and seasickness. Use about one half teaspoon of the powder. It works well for pets and children!

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Arthritis; Fatigue; Muscular Aches and Pains; Poor Circulation; Rheumatism; Sprains; Strains; Catarrh; Congestion; Coughs; Sinusitis; Sore Throat; Diarrhea; Colic; Cramp; Flatulence; Indigestion; Loss of Appetite; Nausea; Travel Sickness.

Other Uses: Ginger essential oil is useful in sexuality; love; courage; and money attracting blends. Eating Ginger before performing spells will lend them power, since you have been “heated up” by the Ginger; this is especially true of love spells.

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