Pennsylvania Smartweed | |
Pennsylvania Smartweed – polygonum pensylvanicum – smartweed is used to treat wounds, diarrhoea, and inflammations. The leaves are astringent, and can be applied, in a wash or poultice to wounds, sores and inflammations. The seed is diuretic, carminative and stimulant. This herb is used in homeopathic rememdies to treat excessive menstrual bleeding and hemorrhoids. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Used to treat wounds, diarrhoea, and inflammations. Homepathically used to treat menstrual problems and piles.
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Monthly Archives: December 2024
Pennyroyal | |
Forms Available: essential oil Pennyroyal – mentha pulegium – The essentiao oil should be used with extreme caution. Its scent is herbaceous and minty. It is a well known emmenagogue; do not use during pregnancy. Has some use in menstrual difficulties, often used to bring on menstruation. It’s valuable in repelling insects on animals. Can be diluted either in alcohol or vinegar as a rub to kill fleas. Many aromatherapists will not use this oil. It blends well with cedarwood and peppermint. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: It is a well known emmenagogue; do not use during pregnancy. Has some use in menstrual difficulties, often used to bring on menstruation. It’s valuable in repelling insects on animals. Can be diluted either in alcohol or vinegar as a rub to kill fleas.
[Purchase Pennyroyal Based Products] – [Essential Depot]
Peony | |
Peony – paeonia offinalis – The peony flower is used to scent tea and lotions, creams and perfumes. The root is antispasmodic, sedative, and diuretic. The peony root is a wonderful muscle relaxant, it relieves many types of cramps such as: abdominal, limb muscles, menstrual, and the spasms of epilepsy. It also reduces blood pressure and has been used as an analgesic. This herb induces menstruation and has been used to relieve childbirth pains. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Relieves cramps of many kinds – abdominal, limb muscles, menstrual, and others. Reduces blood pressure, relieves hemorrhoids, induces menstruation.
[Purchase Peony Based Products] – [Essential Depot]
Pepper, Black
Pepper, Black | |
Forms Available: essential oil, ground, peppercorn/berry Pepper, Black – piper nigrum – fresh, dry-woody, warm and spicy scent. It’s analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, laxative and stomachic. There’s the possibility of skin irritation. Black pepper is very stimulating to the mind, gives stamina where there’s frustration. Its rubefacient and analgesic properties make it useful for muscular aches and pains and muscular stiffness as it assists with dilation of local blood vessels. Assists with rheumatoid arthritis and temporary limb paralysis. Warming in event of cold and flu. Stimulates appetite. Expels wind, calms vomiting. Its stomachic effect increases flow of saliva and stimulates appetite, expels wind, encourages peristalsis and is useful in bowel problems; restores tone to colon muscles. Blends well with basil, bergamot, cypress, grapefruit, lemon, and sandalwood. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, laxative and stomachic. There’s the possibility of skin irritation. Black pepper is very stimulating to the mind, gives stamina where there’s frustration.
[Purchase Pepper, Black Based Products] – [Essential Depot]
Purchase Peppermint Oil – Retail – CLICK HERE
Purchase Peppermint Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE
Latin Name: mentha piperita
Alternative Name: brandy mint
Forms Available: essential oil, leaf, powder, above ground protions of the herb
Peppermint – mentha piperita – A Druid sacred herb, most mints are creeping plants that hybridize easily, producing infinite variations. The have erect, square branching stems, aromatic foliage and flowers in leaf axils. Mints are stimulant, aid digestion, and reduce flatulence. They flavor candy, drinks, cigarettes, toothpastes, and medicines. The infuseion of the herb has been used for diarrhea and as an emmenagogue -it brings down the menses. It is a classic for colds and influenza, especially when mixed with elder flower-but be careful, as this remedy will make you sweat, and you must take care to keep well covered with blankets and woolens. Stomach flu is helped by a mint, elderflower, and yarrow combination in a standard infusion of two teaspoons per cup steeped for twenty minutes and taken in quarter-cup doses. Mint is helpful in stomach complaints, but a strong infusion will be emetic -it makes one throw up. Mint tea eases colic and eases depression. It relieves earaches when the fresh juice of a few drops of the essential oil are placed in the ear. A few drops of the oil in water, applied with a cloth, help burning and itching, heat prostration, and sunburn. Apply it directly to an itchy skin condition or sunburn. For heat prostration place the cool fomentation on the forehead and wrists. Mint tea with honey soothes a sore throat. A classic cold remedy that will unblock the sinuses is two drops of mint essential oil, two drop eucalyptus essential oil and the juice of half a lemon in a cup of hot water. The mix is first inhaled and then drunk when warm. CAUTION: No more than two drops of the essential oils should be taken at any time, and no more that two cups a day of the above mixture. Larger doses can be toxic to the kidneys.
Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Acne; Dermatitis; Ringworm; Scabies; Toothache; Neuralgia; Muscular Pain; Palpitations; Asthma; Bronchitis; Sinusitis; Spasmodic Cough. Key Qualities: Refreshing; Restorative; Nerve Tonic; Cephalic; Aphrodisiac; Mental Stimulant.
Other Uses: Fresh mint laid on the altar will call good spirits to be present and aid you in magic, especially healing spells. Added to incenses it cleanses the house or ritual area. Use for: Protection; Healing; Prosperity; Good Luck; Fortune; Justice; Travel.
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Perilla Seed Oil
Perilla Seed Oil | |
Perilla seed oil – perilla frutescens – The efficacy of perilla oil is well known in Korea for heart and liver protection, skin rejuvenation and relieving children’s dry cough. This oil would make a wonderful carrier oil for dry, mature and/or damaged skin applications as well as an ingredient in massage blends, body scrubs, bath salts and creams. Many consider this oil to have antibacterial properties and suitable for acneic conditions. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: this oil makes a good carrier oil
[Purchase Perilla Seed Oil Based Products] – [Essential Depot]
Periwinkle | |
Periwinkle – vinca minor – The leaves of this plant have been used to treat internal bleeding, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers and excessive menstrual bleeding – they are astringent. They can also be applied externally to wounds to slow bleeding and cleanse. This plant is used by pharmaceutical companies in vasodilator and cerebral stimulant preparations. The root can be used to lower blood pressure. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Used to treat internal bleeding, excessive menstrual bleeding, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers. Astringent, cleansing, sedating.
[Purchase Periwinkle Based Products] – [Essential Depot]
Persimmon Tree
Persimmon Tree | |
Persimmon Tree – diospyros virginiana – a plant used in alot of edible ways – the fruit: breads, cakes, puddings etc, the seeds: an oil and a coffee substitute, the leaves: a tea. Medicinally, the persimmon has been used as an astringent – A decoction of the unripe fruit has been used as a treatment for bloody stools and, of the inner-bark, as a rinse to treat sore throats and thrush. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Astringent. A decoction of the unripe fruit has been used as a treatment for bloody stools and, of the inner-bark, as a rinse to treat sore throats and thrush.
[Purchase Persimmon Tree Based Products] – [Essential Depot]
Purchase Petit Grain Oil – Retail – CLICK HERE
Purchase Petit Grain Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE
Latin Name: citrus aurantium var.
Forms Available: essential oil
Petitgrain – citrus aruantium var.- This oil is obtained from the leaves of the bitter orange tree and has a fresh floral citrus scent with a woody herbaceous undertone. It is antidepressant, antispasmodic and deodorant. Calms anger and panic, refreshes the mind. It is considered uplifting and refreshing. Has a sedative effect on the nervous system, helpful for rapid heartbeat or insomnia. Eases breathing and relaxes muscle spasms. Helpful with painful digestion by calming stomach muscles. Could help in clearing up skin blemishes and pimples. Useful for greasy hair and skin. Blends well with bergamot, cedarwood, lavender, neroli, orange, rosewood and sandalwood.
Aromatherapy & Health Uses: It is antidepressant, antispasmodic and deodorant. Calms anger and panic, refreshes the mind. It is considered uplifting and refreshing. Has a sedative effect on the nervous system, helpful for rapid heartbeat or insomnia. Eases breathing.
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Pigweed | |
Pigweed – amaranthus albus – The leaf and seed are edible, the leaf – cooked and the seed – either raw or cooked.
[Purchase Pigweed Based Products] – [Essential Depot]