Camelina Oil | |
Forms Available: oil Camelina Oil – camelina sativa – This oil is also known as false flax or gold-of-pleasure and is high in Omega-3 linolenic acid. Records of plant cultivation date back as far as the Iron Age as the oil was used as a source of fuel as well as a skin moisturizer. Research shows that Camelina oil has good skin softening properties. It is emollient, has good spreading properties, provides lubricity in both hair and skin preparations, and improves skin elasticity. Camelina oil can be used as a replacement for sperm whale oil in lipsticks and other solid products. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Skin softening properties. Provides lubricity in both hair an skin preparations.
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Monthly Archives: September 2024
Purchase Camphor – Retail – CLICK HERE
Purchase Camphor Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE
Latin Name: cinnamomum camphora
Alternative Name: laurel camphor, gum camphor
Forms Available: essential oil, crystalized extract, leaf
Camphor – cinnamomum camphora – This white, intensely scented, crystalline substance is distilled from a tree native to China and Japan. The essential oil is steam-distilled from wood, rootstumps, and branches. For many years true camphor wasn’t sold in the U.S. All “camphor blocks” and mothballs were made of synthetic camphor which is extremely poisonous.
Both the leaf and crystallized extract are used for wet lung conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. Camphor is useful in depression, exhaustion, and stomach cramps and to improve circulation. Use about two teaspoons of leaf per cup of water and steep for twenty minutes. Take one-fourth cup four times a day. Alternatively, use one teaspoon of the crystallized extract per two cups of water. Take it in one-teaspoon doses four times a day. The tincture is also available and is used in doses of five to ten drops four times a day. Camphor is incorporated into salves for external use to kill parasites and treat ringworm, scabies, and itch. The oil open the lungs, making breathing easier, and helps with muscular and joint pain, arthritis, and bruises -not for open wounds. The salve functions as a “smelling salt,” and the herb has been used internally to revive those in coma or delirium. Camphor can be burned to purify the air or inhaled to open lung passages.
Caution: Do not use this herb if you are pregnant or if you are very weak and debilitated. Only natural plant extracts should be used, as chemical camphor is contaminated with industrial poisons.
Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Coughs; Colds; Fevers; Rheumatism; Arthritis.
Other Uses: In solid form Camphor is added in small amounts to Lunar and chastity type mixtures, -Eucalyptus or Lavender oil may be substituted. Divination; Prophetic Dreams; Psychic Awareness. Burn in the home to purify the air and to dispel disease.
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Cancer Leaf
Cancer Leaf | |
Cancer Leaf – salvia lyrata – A diaphoretic and laxative plant. Used to treat coughs and colds. Used to relieve diarrhoea. Leaves, seeds and roots are used on wounds and sores. A folk remedy for cancer. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: diaphoretic, laxative, salve. Relieves diarrhoea, coughs and colds. Applied externally,, treats wounds.
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Cane | |
Cane – arundinaria gigantea – Decoctions of this root stimulates the kidneys Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Cathartic – stimulates the kidneys.
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Purchase Caraway Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE
Latin Name: carum carvi
Alternative Name: caraway seed, kummel
Forms Available: essential oil, seed, leaf, root
Caraway – carum carvi – Caraway is a hardy biennial with finely cut feathery leaves, umbels of small flower heads in midsummer and capsules containing two curved narrow seeds. The seeds are a popular spice, especially in Central Europe. They enhance port, goulash, sauerkraut, cheese, and pickles and are added to cooking cabbage to reduce the smell. They flavor breads and cakes and are eaten raw or sugar-coated as Caraway comfits after a spicy meal. They sweeten the breath, aid digestion, and relieve flatulence. Chopped leaves are added to soups and salads, and the root is cooked as a vegetable. Essential oil, distilled from the seeds, flavors gin, candy, the liqueur Kümel, and mouthwashes, and scents soaps, and aftershaves. The seeds are antiseptic and a vermifuge. Caraway seeds have been used in cooking since the Stone Age.
The powdered seeds are taken in doses of one-fourth to one teaspoon to promote digestion and relieve gas. Caraway tea also relieves menstrual cramps, as it helps to bring on the menstruation. Caraway increases breast milk. To make the tea, steep three teaspoons of the ground seeds in one-half cup of water for twenty minutes -use a kitchen blender to lightly crush the seed. Take up to one and a half cups a day in one-fourth cup doses, or simply chew the seeds. One to four drops of the essential oil may be taken as a digestive aid. For colicky babies, soak one ounce of the ground seed in a pint of cold water for about six hours. The dose is from one to three teaspoons of the infusion, or boil three teaspoons of seed in one-half cup of milk for a few minutes, then steep for ten minutes. The powdered seeds are moistened to make a poultice for bruises and earaches.
Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Caraway seed is effective as an expectorant. Also relieves constipation and flatulence. Improves appetite. Stimulates breast milk.
Other Uses: Caraway is often added to love potions to keep lovers from being unfaithful. The seeds are placed in poppets and used in spells to find one’s mate. They are said to inspire lust when baked into cakes or breads. Put some in your wedding cake!
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Purchase Cardamon Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE
Latin Name: elettario cardamomum
Alternative Name: amomum cardamonum, alpinia cardamomum, matonia cardamomu, cardamomum minus, amomum repens, cardamomi semina, cardamom seeds, malabar, cardamums, ebil, kakelah seghar, capalaga, gujattati elachi, Ilachi, ailum
Forms Available: essential oil, ground, seed
Cardamom – elettario cardamomum – This perennial bears violet-striped white flowers and aromatic green fruits on erect or trailing racemes. The seed pods are an expensive spice, sold as whole green, bleached, or sun-dried cardamom. The seeds are digestive, stimulant, and antispasmodic, and rhizome is given for fatigue and fever. The essential oil from almost-ripe fruits is used in liqueurs and perfumes. Cardamom seeds are a symbol of hospitality.
Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Nausea; Coughs; Headaches; Aches; as a Digestive and Tonic; Dyspepsia; Mental Fatigue; Nervous Strain; Halitosis; Anorexia; Colic. Key Qualities: Cephalic; Aphrodisiac; Warming; Comforting; Refreshing; Uplifting; Penetrating; Soothing.
Other Uses: Cardamon essential oil brings a nice jolt of energy to live and sexually oriented formulas. Burn for love spells or use in love sachets. The ground seeds are added to warmed wine for a quick lust potion. They are also baked into apple pies.
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Cardinal Flower
Cardinal Flower | |
Cardinal Flower – lobelia cardinalis – the root and leaves of this plant have medicinal use. The root has been used in a tea for treating many ailments inclucing: stomach aches, epilepsy, typhoid, syphilis and worms. The leaves have been used to treat colds, fevers and headaches. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Teas have been made from both root and leaf. Used in treatment of headaches, colds, fevers, nosebleeds, epilepsy, typhoid, stomach aches, worms….
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Carnation | |
Carnation – dianthus caryophyllus – Also called Pink , Clove Pink or Gilly Flower. This short lived perennial has blue-green grass-like foliage and spicy, fragrant long-lasting flowers in the summer. This “Flower of Divinity” and symbol of betrothal, woven into garlands is the parent of cultivated carnations, although is seldom available in its true form. Fortunately, the petals of any clove-scented Pink, with the bitter white heel removed, can be added to fruit dishes, sandwiches, soups, and sauces, or used to make floral syrup, vinegar, liqueur, or wine. This was Chaucer’s “sops in wine” and is still enjoyed as a nerve tonic today. The strong-sweet spicy scent is used in soaps and perfumes. Worn during Elizabethan times to prevent coming to an untimely death on the scaffold.
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Carolina Allspice
Carolina Allspice | |
Carolina Allspice – calycanthus floridus – A deciduous plant. The bark has been used as a cinnamon substitute but this is no longer recommended. Tea made from the root of this plant is an emetic and diuretic. The tea has also been used as eyedrops for failing eyes. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Contains an alkaloid that has a depressant action on the heart. The tea is emetic and diuretic.
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Carrot Seed
Carrot Seed
Purchase Carrot Seed Oil – Wholesale – CLICK HERE
Latin Name: daucus carota
Forms Available: essential oil, seed
Carrot Seed – daucus Carota – Its aroma is herbaceous, mild, spicy, slightly sweet and dry. Among its uses are tonic, stimulant, liver regenerator, and control of cholesterol. Recommended for mature skin and/or wrinkled skin. Due to its stimulating effect on red blood cells, it adds tone and elasticity to the skin. Its properties make it useful for problems such as weeping sores and ulcers, vitiligo, prurities, boils, carbuncles, eczema and psoriasis. May help to relieve feelings of stress and exhaustion. Used in massage oils and baths as it is considered an excellent blood purifier due to its detoxifying effect on the liver. It is used to treat jaundice and other liver disorders. Blends well with bergamot, lemon, orange and rosemary. Avoid during pregnancy!
Aromatherapy & Health Uses: May help to relieve feelings of stress and exhaustion. Used in massage oils and baths as it is considered an excellent blood purifier due to its detoxifying effect on the liver. It is used to treat jaundice and other liver disorders.
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