Latin Name: juniperus communis
Alternative Name: enegro, gemeiner wachholder, geneva, gin berry, ginepro, gin plant.
Forms Available: essential oil, berry, twig

Juniper – juniperus communis – A Druid sacred tree, Juniper is an evergreen tree or shrub with needle-like leaves in threes and berrylike cones that ripen to blue-black in their second or third year.
Primarily a diuretic, the berries help digestive problems, gastrointestinal inflammations, and rheumatism. The berries are taken as a tea -simmer two teaspoons per cup of water for ten minutes; take up to one cup four times a day, or taken as jam or syrup in water, mild, or herb tea. The dry berries can be chewed; three a day is sufficient.
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Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Acne; Dermatitis; Eczema; Hair Loss; Hemorrhoids; Wounds; Tonic for Oily Complexions; Accumulation of Toxins. Key Qualities: Aphrodisiac; Purifying; Clearing; Depurative; Nerve Tonic; Reviving; Protective; Restorative.
Other Uses: Probably one of the earliest incenses used by Mediterranean Witches. Its berries were used with thyme in Druid and grove incenses for visions. Juniper grown by the door discourages thieves. The mature berries can be strung in the house to attract love.
Thought for the day:
The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit. – By Moliere
Suggested Reading:
- Vibrational Healing: Revealing the Essence of Nature through Aromatherapy and Essential Oils by Deborah Eidson
- Ayurvedic Remedies- For the Whole Family by Light Miller
- Essential Oils for Weight Loss: Easy Ways to Supercharge your Weight Loss Success with Essential Oils by Isla Burroughs
- Herbs for Detoxification by C.J. Puotinen
Reference Links:
- Juniper Berry by Wikipedia
- Antibacterial and antifungal activity of juniper berry oil and its selected components by Natalia Filipowicz, Marcin Kamiński, Julianna Kurlenda, Monika Asztemborska and J. Renata Ochocka, published in Phytotherapy research
- Health benefits of Juniper essential oil by Organic Facts
- Ayurvedic Remedies: For The Whole Family, by Light Miller