Latin Name: viola tricolor
Alternative Name: johnny jump-ups, ladies’ delight, field pansy, pansy, wild pansy, banewort, bullweed
Forms Available: root, flower, leaf
Heartsease – viola tricolor – This plant is an annual with both the flowers and leaves being edible. Heartease is demulcent, anti-inflammatory and expectorant making it an effective remedy for bronchitis, asthma, and respiratory infections. It is also a diuretic so, when taken internally, it flushes the body of toxins and waste. A diaphoretic – promoting sweat, cooling the body, reducing fevers and further cleansing the body of toxins. Applied externally, in a poultice or lotion, heartease treats eczema, boild, scabies, wounds and other skin ailments.
Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Eases respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma. Cleanses the body of toxins. Stimulates circulation. Sedative and anodyne, calming and pain relieving.