Aromatherapy, as all know, uses essential oils to cure ailments, subside chronic symptoms and alleviate pain or stress. Ok, aromatherapeutic use of essential oils can improve your physical health and well-being through the nose-limbic system. But, does it help with gaining mental clarity or minimizing memory loss? It does, if you know how to use essential oils in the right way. This piece will focus on how aromatherapy helps in boosting brain power and establishing one’s happiness, productivity, creativity etc.
Essential oils and fragrances: Fragrances have the power to influence the physical functions of a body. Like every other cell, they add to the vitality of the body, making it more alert and active. Researchers have found out that essential oils connect to the nose-limbic system faster than injections or drugs. This approach is a quicker and more beneficial medicinal approach than engaging in a series of blood-sucking drugs. Since the limbic system is the seat of hippocampus or the memory engine of the brain, smells can also affect our memory. A smell has in fact, the potential to raise memories and emotions, stirring up even a distant past.
Below are a few reasons are on why we should use aromatherapy to cure brain ailments or improve memory:
1. Essential oils feed the brain: Unlike regular drugs, aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine which feeds the brain with a great supply of nutrients. A simple inhalation or massage can do wonders to clear your mental tension or problem.
2. Cross the blood-brain barrier: It takes a lot of time for other medications or drugs to reach the mainstream of blood. Since the odor molecules are both a mixture of tiny and large compounds, they find it easy to overcome the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain directly.
3. Clear toxins: Essential oils are great toxin killers and eliminators. It cleanses the body and brain of toxins and heavy metals like aluminum that maybe lodged in the brain. Usually these toxins and metals can cause heavy duty damage to the brain and can contribute to memory loss and lack of mental stability.
4. A visit to the past: Essential oils bring to memory all that you forgot before. It triggers areas that are emotional, involves memory growth and stores trauma/pleasure. This is because the limbic system is associated with memories about past. Some of the oils are used to release fears, change belief systems and recall a number of buried information. Usually the ‘amygdala’ is triggered for the above purposes.
Essential oils for memory loss and mental clarity: There are several oil blends for improving memory and enhancing mental clarity. Here are a few:
- Frankincense oil stimulates many items in the limbic system as well as the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands and has been treated for cancer and depression.
- Rosemary oil is said to increase alertness, according to a study conducted in 2003.
- Eucalyptus and Peppermint oils are used to enhance your cognitive performance and have a muscle-relaxing effect on the body
- Lavender is a great anti-anxiety oil. High on relaxation quotient, lavender reduces stress that may get in way of studying improve concentration
- Ginger oil stimulates cognition, while Citrus is highly energizing. You can even use Lemon oil to nullify the post-lunch sluggishness in your office.
- Vetiver is a rich oil which can provide grounding and stability to the mind. A tonic to the mind, Vetiver helps treat depression patients and children with ADD and ADHD to learn again. Stress-relieving, Vetiver oil can be used to calm aggressive children and bring in mental clarity while dealing with day to day affairs.