

Latin Name: nardostachys jatamansi
Alternative Name: indian root, american sarsaparilla
Forms Available: essential oil

Spikenard – nardostachys jatamansi – Aroma is leathery, earthy and fungal, but sweet and is a reddish brown or amber-colored oil Spikenard is widely mentioned in the bible. It is a very calming oil, both emotionally and physically, and is of special value in serious skin conditions. Powerful antifungal. Indicated for psoriasis, athlete’s foot, fungal infections, dandruff and emotionally for deep sadness. It’s a powerful oil for grounding, for emotional needs. Spikenard is known in aromatherapy circles as “a woman’s oil” and is recommended for use in spiritual blends or blends for meditation.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: It is a very calming oil, both emotionally and physically, and is of special value in serious skin conditions. Powerful antifungal. Indicated for psoriasis, athlete’s foot, fungal infections, dandruff and emotionally for deep sadness.

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