Sage | |
Sage – salvia officinalis – Sage leaf has a strong taste that increases when dried. Used sparingly to flavor and aid the digestion of fatty meats, it is popular in poultry stuffing and combines well with strongly flavored floors. The flowers are tossed in salads and are brewed for a light, balsamic tea, while the leaf tea is an antiseptic nerve and blood tonics. Sage contains hormone precursors that help irregular menstruation and menopause symptoms. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Sage contains hormone precursors that help irregular menstruation and menopause symptoms. Sage is a drying agent for the body. The tea of the leaf will dry up night sweats, breast milk, and mucous congestion. Other Uses: Sage absorbs negativity and misfortune. It drives away disturbances and tensions, and lifts the spirits above the mundane cares of life. Use in spells for: Protection; Wisdom; Health; Money and Riches; Spirituality.
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