Queen Anne’s Lace

Queen Anne’s Lace

Latin Name: daucus carota
Alternative Name: wild carrot, carrot, devil’s plague, bird’s nest, bee’s nest
Forms Available: root, leaf, seed

Queen Anne’s Lace – daucus carota – wild carrot, a much eaten food. The wild carrot is a cleanser, diuretic, and tonic for the liver, stimulating urine and the extraction of waste by the kidneys. Used in an infusion, it treats many digestive complaints and kidney and bladder diseases. The root can also induce uterine contractions and bring on menstruation.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: A cleanser and tonic for the liver, stimulates urine and extraction of waste by the kidneys. The leaves are diuretic and have been used to diminish kidney stones and prevent the formation of new ones.

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