Pitcher Plant

Pitcher Plant

Latin Name: sarracenia purpurea, sarracenia flava
Alternative Name: bekerplant, purple pitcherplant, saddleplant, yellow trumpet, yellow pitcherplant
Forms Available: root, leaf

Pitcher Plant – sarracenia sp. – This herb is used for many female issues: infusions of the leaves eased childbirth and decoctions of the root aided both the expulsion of afterbirth and the prevention of sickness after giving birth. The root and leaf have been used to treat liver and kidney complaints, constipation and dyspepsia. Decoctions of the root have also been used to treat the spitting up of blood and lung complaints.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: An infusion of leaf can treat fevers, ease childbirth. Decoction of root has been used after childbirth to aid in expulsion or afterbirth and to prevent sickness. This herb also used to treat liver and kidney complaints, constipation and dyspepsia.

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