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Latin Name: myrtus communis

Forms Available: essential oil

Myrtle – myrtus communis – This dense, evergreen shrub has aromatic leaves and flower buds, creamy white flowers, and blue-black berries. The flowers are made into toilet water called eau d’ange, added with the leaves to acne ointment, and dried for potpourri. Leaf essential oil is the source of myrtol, given for gingivitis.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Acne; Hemorrhoids; Oily Skin; Open Pores; Asthma; bronchitis; Catarrhal conditions; chronic Coughs; Tuberculosis; Colds; Flu; Infectious Disease. Key Qualities: Mildly stimulating; Nerve Tonic; Antiseptic; Clarifying; Cleansing; Uplifting; Aphrodisiac.

Other Uses: Love, Money and Riches; Creative Work; Youth. If grown on each side of a house love and peace will reside within and it is a lucky plant to grow in window boxes if a woman plants it.

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