

Purchase Lime Oil – Retail – CLICK HERE

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Latin Name: citrus limata
Alternative Name: citrus acris, limettæ fructus
Forms Available: essential oil, fruit

Lime – citrus limata – A small evergreen tree, up to 15 feet, with stiff, sharp soines, smooth ovate leaves, and small white flowers. The bitter fruit is a pale green color, about half the size of a lemon. The essential oil is extracted from the fruit peel.

Aromatherapy & Health Uses: Antirheumatic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antiviral, aperitif, bactericidal, febrifuge, restorative, tonic. Use for Acne, anemia, brittle nails, boils, chilblains, corns, cuts. Key Qualities: Refreshing, Uplifting; Active.

Other Uses: The peel is useful in purification and protection spells. The peel is used in love mixtures and incenses.

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