Herbs and Herb Gardening: An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide
Compiled By:
Suzanne DeMuth
Alternative Farming
Systems Information Center, Information Centers Branch
National Agricultural Library, Agricultural Research Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture
Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2351
1. Introduction
2. Books
2A. Early American Plant Usage and Heirloom Gardens
2B. General Aspects of Herbs
2C. History of Herbs
2D. Botany, Chemistry, and Nomenclature of Herbs
2E. Herb Gardens and Gardening
2F. Herb Gardening, Regional Aspects
2G. Herb Gardens to Visit in the U.S. and Canada
2H. Home Gardening with Focus on Herbs
2I. Cooking with Herbs and Spices
2J. Fragrant and Dye Plants and Gardens, Including Herb Crafting
2K. Medicinal Herbs and Health
2L. Marketing Herbs
3. Resource Guides
4. Proceedings of the National Herb Growing and Marketing Conferences
5. Videos
6. Bibliographies
7. Current Periodicals
7A. Early American Plant Usage and Heirloom Gardens
7B. General Aspects of Herbs
7C. Home Gardening with Focus on Herbs
7D. Cooking with Herbs and Spices
7E. Medicinal Herbs and Health
7F. Marketing Herbs
8. Selected Articles in Periodicals
8A. Early American Plant Usage and Heirloom Gardens
8B. History of Herbs
8C. Botany, Chemistry, and Nomenclature of Herbs
8D. Herb Gardens and Gardening
8E. Herb Gardens, Regional Aspects
8F. Herb Gardens to Visit in the U.S. and Canada
8G. Cooking with Herbs and Spices
8H. Fragrant and Dye Plants and Gardens, Including Herb Crafting
8I. Medicinal Herbs and Health
8J. Marketing Herbs
9. Indexing and Abstracting Publications and Services
10. Membership and Resource Organizations and Services
11. Mail-order Suppliers
Book Title Index
Author Index
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See also:
Growing Herbs: Selected Information Sources, 1996-2003. Compiled and annotated by Rebecca Mazur, Research and Reader Services, National Agricultural Library. April 2004. http://www.nal.usda.gov/ref/herbs.html
Growing for the Medicinal Herb Market Selected Sources and Resources. Compiled and annotated by Suzanne DeMuth and Mary Gold, Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, National Agricultural Library. February 1998. http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/AFSIC_pubs/mherb.htm
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Book Title Index |
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