Latin Name: genista scoparius syn. cytisus scoparius,sarothamnus scoparious Alternative Name: scotch broom, banal, basam, besom, bisom, bizzon, Breeam, broom tops, brum, genista green broom, irish tops, link, irish broom. Forms Available: flowering twig, seed.
Broom – genista scoparius syn. Cytisus scoparius and Sarothamnus scoparious – Also known as Scotch Broom, and Irish broom. A Druid Sacred Tree, it is a many-branched erect shrub with simple or trifoliate leaves, and golden “sweet-pea” flowers. A flowering sprig of Broom was a heraldic battle device of Henry II of England who is said to have taken the family name Plantagenet from this medieval “planta genista”.
Flowering broom tips are gathered in spring, before Midsumer, and are later used fresh or dry. The seeds are as useful as the tops. Both are soluble in water and alcohol. The infusion is used to tread cardiac edema. Simmer one teaspoon of the herb or seeds per cup of water for twenty minutes. The dose is one-half cup a day in one-fourth cup doses. Broom is combined with dandelion root, uva ursi, and juniper berries to treat bladder and kidney ailments. Take one part broom, one half part uva ursi, and one half part dandelion root. Simmer until the liquid is reduced to half the original quantity. Add one-half part juniper berry and cool. A pinch of cayenne is sprinkled into each one-eighth cup dose. Caution: Acute kidney problems contraindicate this herb. Broom is a heart tonic. Use one teaspoon of the herb per cup of water, and do not exceed more than one-half cup per day. One to ten drops of tincture may be given as a dose.
Other Uses: Broom flowers bound with colored ribbons are carried at weddings. Couples may choose to “jump the broom” as they make their transition to a new station of life. Broom can be substituted for furze, gorse, at Spring Equinox.