Category Archives: Emotional Well-being

At your wit’s end? Aromatherapy for relief from stress and insomnia

Are you tensed, overstressed and drained out completely? Do you wake up in the middle of nights never to sleep again? Are you anxious about what will happen next even when you know that it is silly to be anxious? Maybe you are caught in the web most Americans are in – the vicious cycle of stress, insomnia and anxiety which occur mostly in hyperactive and over-worked individuals who do not know what it is to relax. In this post-modern era, we are constantly working to exceed ourselves. We strive, slog and do everything in our capacity (and not in our capacity) to achieve what we deem to be phenomenal at the expense of our health.

Stress and insomnia cure: Traditional medicine recommends oral drugs for the cure of stressful conditions and sleeplessness. Though these drugs work, the problem with them is, they inflict a curse of side effects on patients who take them. The medications actually cause more stress than what was already there. Some medications also take patients into a chain reaction, where they are helpless without a particular drug. This causes acute withdrawal symptoms in drugs.

Aromatherapy is a god-send medicine when it comes to curing illnesses or relieving stressful conditions. An effective pain relief therapy, aromatic essential oils work wonders on your body, without any side effects.

Aromatherapy for stress relief: As you all know, aromatherapy oils are natural essence oils that can relieve you of physical, emotional, chemical and mental stress. It alleviates muscular fatigue, combats physiological pain and fights stress-related insomnia in patients.

1. Physical stress: Physical stress is caused by the over-exertion of the body, physically. Though complete rest would rejuvenate a tired body, essential oils aid in such revival. You can try clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus, thyme, peppermint and rosemary oils for relieving physical stress.

2. Environmental stress caused by loud noise, bright light, drive through heavy traffic, constant annoyances, pollution etc. can be treated with oils like basil, cedarwood, chamomile, geranium and coriander.

3. Chemical stress
can occur when you overeat or subject yourself to a lot of medications. Abuse of drugs or over-use of oral medications can result in chemical stress due to the accumulation of toxins in the body. This can be cleared off by inhaling clary sage, lavender, lemon, rosemary, grapefruit, geranium and lemon.

4. Emotional/mental stress
is caused by depressive thoughts, sufferance of painful emotional problems for a prolonged time and very low self-esteem. Basil, chamomile, bergamot, grapefruit, sandalwood and geranium can be used to get relief from mental stress.

You can use essential oils to even clear unwanted materials or substances in your environment. Cypress, eucalyptus lemon, grapefruit, lavender and rosemary oils can cleanse stale air at your home or office and help you breathe aromatic air. Basil, bergamot, birch, coriander, geranium, grapefruit and neroli can improve concentration and make you more creative.

Essential oils for insomnia: Tisserand, an aromatherapist, studied the effect of several oils in hospital patients and found the following essential oils to be effective in treating insomnia: lavender, marjoram, geranium, mandarin, and cardamom. With sedative properties, these oils induced sleep in insomniacs.

Sleepless nights, chaotic mind: 4 essential oil ideas for insomnia cure

Sleep and depression are interconnected. Lack of sleep can lead to depression or sleeplessness itself can be an aftermath of depression. If you are already depressed, your sleeplessness will increase your depression. If not, your insomnia will be a precursor to a state of depression. This is because, when you realize that you are sleepless, your worry increases. You start worrying about your helpless state and that leads to depression or a gloomy feeling ultimately. The vicious cycle continues to panic you unless and until your clear insomnia from your life. Essential oils can help with insomnia cure if used in the right way.

Aromatherapy for insomnia: Aromatherapy essential oils has been widely used in insomnia cure. This is because the therapeutic effect of essential not just to heal your physical wounds, but even to help you forget your mental/emotional wounds. When there is emotional healing, heaviness lifts and sleeplessness fades away. Your chaotic mind finally comes to rest.

There can be several reasons for insomnia and stress is one important reason. On the contrary, a good night’s sleep is essential to carry on your daily routine. Life also looks better and well handled when you have rested well the previous night. Another thing is, when you sleep well, you will not worry about sleeplessness and that would alleviate your depression. Aromatherapists prescribe several essential oil blends to help with insomnia. Below are a few of them:

1. Sleepy blend: This blend will put to you to sleep within a few minutes of use. Combine 10 drops of Roman Chamomile, 5 drops of Clary Sage and 5 drops of Bergamot and blend well to make an aromatherapy recipe that can be added to a tissue and kept under your pillow. If you don’t like this pillow technique, you can make a blend at the ratio of 2 drops of Roman Chamomile, 1 drop of Clary Sage and 1 drop of Bergamot to your diffuser and use it one hour before bedtime.

2. Lavender massage: As you know, Lavender is a great oil for inducing sleep and rest and this Lavender oil massage can help you do only that. Mix Lavender with carrier oil (3 to 5 drops is sufficient) and rub it on the back of your neck, along your spine and 1-2 drops at the bottom of each foot. Do this just before bedtime. You can even use Lavender as a diffuser in your bedroom. Or you can soak in bath water of 10 drops of Lavender oil 15 minutes before you go to sleep.

3. Blissful sleep blend: For a good night’s sleep, combine 15 drops of Lavender with 10 drops of Frankincense and 5 to 6 drops of Tangerine. This is a wonderful combination that diffuses in about 15 minutes time. The blend is both therapeutic and heavenly too as the aroma is exotic and relaxing.

4. Insomnia Body Rub: What can be more useful than this body rub which can induce sleep instantly? Combine 4 drops of Clary Sage, 2 drops of Lavender, 3 drops of Valerian, 3 drops of Vetiver and use 6 drops or 3 drops of the blend in 1 tsp of carrier oil. You can use it as a body rub and rub it on to your temples, back and all points that you are comfortable with.

Don’t push your panic button: 5 essential oils for treating panic attacks

Panic attacks can be debilitating. Those who have gone through it know what it means to survive a panic attack. It is not the attack as such, but the aftermath of the attack that is dangerous. You are left in a sudden state of intensity and you do not know what to do. You experience intense feelings like nervousness, anxiety and fear, with your body secreting bouts of adrenaline to cope with the situation. So much happens at such a short period of time that you do not know how to control the situation or manage yourself. You often end up pushing the panic button, making the situation more awful. Panic attacks can cause havoc out of nowhere. Though there are medications and psychotherapy sessions to treat panic attacks, essential oils can be good remedies to handle situations of such kind. This article will elaborate on what it means to treat panic attacks with aromatherapy oils.

Essential oils for panic attacks: When you are under a panic attack, you may not be able to function properly. You are anxious, nervous and helpless. Your endocrine system functions inappropriately, and you may face problems like breathlessness, high pulse rate and hyper-anxiety. Panic attacks are triggered by many factors and some of them are stress, bad foods, emotional ill-health, drugs, traumas, emergency situations etc. Essential oils can help with alleviating the symptoms of panic attacks. Some of the below blends which can help with treating the attacks:

1. Blend 1: Combine 2 drops of Helichrysum and 3 drops of Frankincense and shake well to prepare the blend. You can diffuse the oil for use in rooms or your living space.

2. Blend 2: Combine 1 drop of Rose oil with 4 drops of Lavender oil to prepare a blend that can help with panic attacks. Inhale the blend to relax your mind and relieve yourself of anxiety.

3. Blend 3: Prepare a blend with 1 drop of Rose oil and 4 drops of Frankincense. This is an exotic blend that can help in treating your symptoms of panic attack. You can reduce your stress levels and look at the world in a relaxed manner. Diffusing this blend is better as Frankincense is good for     aromating your living space.

4. Blend 4: Combine 1 drop of Neroli with 4 drops of Lavender and shake well to blend both oils together. Lavender is an ever-relaxing oil. It can be used in massaging, as bath oil or in bath salts, for a soothing effect.

5. Blend 5: Panic attacks can be triggered by a sense of fear. You can use fear-reducing oils to reduce the intensity of attacks. Add 2 drops of Clary Sage, 2 drops of Roman Chamomile and 1 drop of Vetiver for a relaxed and calm effect.

Banish the negative: How to cultivate positivity with essential oils

Negativity is all around us. Believe it or not, even a smirk or a harsh word thrown at us has a tremendous negative influence over our life. This negativity breeds more negativity, resulting in annihilation of an environment  that is devoid of anything lively or inspiring. We get into monotonous routines, complaining of things and monologuing about our present state of affairs. Above all, we lose interest in life and drag ourselves to do things that we should be accomplishing with a sense of feat. To combat negativity often does not require just a change of mind, but a change in the environment too. This does not mean we need to holiday in an exotic island to get a treat of the positives of our life. It is enough if we recognize and enjoy what is positive about things and situations around us. Essential oils can help us do this with some strong, spiritual and silence-inducing aromatherapy treatments.

How to banish the negative: Cut the crap of negativity that surrounds you. It can be people, things, relationships, jobs, financial agreements or tiresome physical habits. If you have a repulsion toward something, understand that there is basically something wrong about the thing or the person. Analyze your situation and make decisions. Try cultivating a positive approach to your life. If you are able to bring in positivity, go deep into the situation and dig out the negatives. This can mean going into a meditative or mental cleansing state. Essential oils can help you do this through their aromas. They can uplift your spirit and infuse positives into your life.

Essential oils are generally aromatic. They work because they connect directly to the limbic system of the brain, unlike the other medicines or drugs which need to be dissolved into the blood stream to produce a reaction/response. Since the limbic system is one of the most effective and most ancient systems in the body, it has direct control over all the most important systems, including the heart, the digestive systems and other body parts. Essential oils work by uplifting the spirit, purifying your immediate environment and thereby combating negativity in our life.

Essential oils for combating negativity: Several civilizations have used essential oils for banishing negativity in life. One of the primary reasons for using aromatic oils in Christianity, Native American and Hindu or Persian tradition is to abolish sabotaging influences. The below list of oils have helped remove negativity from ancient times and can do the same with you too: Atlas Cedarwood, Cypress, Common Sage, Hyssop, Lemon, Juniper Berry, Lime, Myrrh, Peppermint, Spearmint and Virginian Cedarwood. You can use these oils in air fresheners or diffusers or even use them as bath oils in your daily routine. Adding them to your daily routine helps immediatley fight any kind of negative influence in your life.

A call to your Higher Self: 6 kinds of essential oils for spirituality

New Age living incorporates both the material and the spiritual in our lives. People of the post-modern era do not just surf or sky-dive or travel continents, but also meditate and relish in their own spirituality or godliness. Though there maybe several contradictions regarding the practice of spirituality, people who engage in it say that they have found solace and peace of mind in such practices. This article is to those few who find respite in spirituality and ruminate about a  spiritual approach to life.

Essential oils for spirituality: This has happened from existence. Yes, essential oils have played a phenomenal role in the daily spiritual life of people in various religions, communities and races. Right from the ancient Indians to the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans and the Persians, many civilizations have used essential oils for different kinds of religious and daily worship rituals. Incorporating essential oils in your daily prayer or spiritual schedule can be a remarkable way to attain spiritual bliss and peace. Though there are a list of essential oils for spiritual practices, none is particularly designated for spirituality. In general, it is the oil of your choice. If a particular essential oil appeals to you personally, you can try using it in your spiritual practices. Who knows, it may help you connect with your higher self instantly. For instance, if Manuka or Bergamot appeal to you, you can use them in your daily worship even if they are not listed as spirituality oils.

Below are a list of few essential oils that can enhance your spiritual fervor:

1. Oils for grounding/self assertiveness: If you are low on self esteem and require oils to boost your confidence and find a way to connect to your spiritual self, these are the best: Altas Cedarwood, Frankincense, Galbanum, Myrrh, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Vetiver and Virginian Cedarwood. Make blends using any of the oils and use it in the diffuser in your worship or meditation room.

2. For mental cleansing: Spirituality requires patience, mental clarity and purity. If you are too much absorbed in worldly things, you may not be able to engage in good spiritual practices. To get rid of the material from your mind, use Cypress, Common Sage, Hyssop, Lemon, Lime, Juniper Berry, Myrrh, Peppermint, Spearmint and Atlas and Virginian Cedarwood.

3. For cultivating a sense of gratitude:
Spirituality is all about giving thanks to the world and God. Essential oils can even enhance your sense of gratitude to others. Use Bergamot, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lemon, Lime, Neroli, Orange and Ylang Ylang to achieve this.

4. To cope with grief: Pain or grief or acute suffering can be obstacles to your faith. To free yourself from grief and trust in God or a Higher Self, use Frankincense, Helichrysum, Neroli, Rose and Sandalwood.

5. Essential oils for enlightenment: Yes, there are oils to heighten your desire for enlightenment and they are Cypress, Frankincense, Rosemary, Spikenard, Sandalwood, Helichrysum etc.

6. Other oils: Some oils in this list are hazardous to the skin, yet they help aid your sense of spiritual well being. They are Bay Laurel, Cassia, Cinnamon, Fir Needle, Ginger, Lavender, Myrtle, Scotch Pine and Spruce.

Reclaim your attention: 4 essential oil blends for improving concentration

If only we had the power to focus on what we wanted to accomplish, the word ‘procrastination’ would never have emerged – says an anonymous author. Procrastination is the thief of time, they say. But why do we procrastinate or postpone? Often it is lack of interest or lack of focus in the work at hand. We let too many things clutter our mind that we have forgotten what it is to focus and concentrate upon the task in hand. There are several other distractions too. With technological advancements and everything happening from your handheld, there are too many things like email, twitter and social media to grab your attention. If only we know what is to concentrate completely, we would never talk of meeting deadlines or even setting deadlines. In such a state of affairs, tips to improve the power of focus are a must. This article will detail on how to enhance your concentration using essential oils.

Essential oil concentration blends: Aromatherapy can help you improve your power of focus too. It can adjust your body and mind and help you attend to what is important. Inhaling the following essential oil blends or using them in your room diffusers can clear your mind and motivate you to be in the present and focus on the task at hand.

1. Blend for attentiveness: Many students and children in the United States suffer from ADHD syndrome. Though the disease is curable, you can prevent it or alleviate its symptoms with this attentiveness blend. To make the blend, combine 1 drop of Cyprus oil with 2 drops of Cedarwood, 2 drops of Lemon and 1 drop of Pine oil. This essential oil blend will be highly helpful to students who are studying for exams or those who want to improve their productivity at office.

2. Blend for alertness:
Some people can be less shrewd than others. This may often be the case if there are three or four children at home. Some maybe shrewd, others maybe dull or dumb. To improve alertness, blend 2 drops of Eucalyptus with 3 drops of Rosemary and 3 drops of Tangerine.

3. Blend for motivation: If you are down in the dumps and cannot find a ray of hope in your current situation, relax! Take a deep breath of this aromatic blend and forget all your worries. You will be invigorated and feel happy. Combine 2 drops of Basil with 4 drops of Bergamot, 1 drop of Clove and 2 drops of Ginger.

4. Blend for mental clarity: If you are confused and need mental clarity, use this blend in your diffuser and inhale it. To make the blend, use 2 drops of Bay oil with 3 drops of Ginger and 2 drops of Rosemary. Shake well in a bottle and use it for clarity.

Calm your Chakras with essential oils: Aromatherapy for Chakra healing

Chakra healing is becoming a popular kind of alternative therapy in today’s world. People (even doctors and scientists) believe that there are about seven major Chakras and 21 minor Chakras in the body. This Chakra concept is rooted in Hinduism and dates back to 1000 B.C.. It is something akin to the Chinese healing of ‘Qi’ and the Ayurvedic energy called ‘Prana’. Chakra in Sanskrit is known as “wheel” and the Chakras in our body are nothing by energy centers that connect our physical and spiritual selves. Though they are not visible to the naked eye, the existence of Chakras is proven by the success of Chakra healing.

Chakras and Healing: Why should energy centers heal the body? There is reason. Chakras are not just energy centers, they connect us to our deeper selves like emotions, feelings, thoughts and spiritual body too. There are about seven primary Chakras in the body and each Chakra represents a set of feelings, controls organs and monitors what happens in your body. The Chakra wheel is said to spin clockwise and each Chakra is said to spin at different paces. When there is an imbalance in a particular Chakra, the body part associated with that Chakra is out of tune and this results in ill physical or emotional health.

The 7 Chakras of the body are Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Sacred Chakra. While the Root Chakra represents our core needs for survival, security and sexual needs, the Sacral Chakra is the seat of creativity. This also controls sexual desires. The Solar Plexus represents our identity and self-worth. The Heart Chakras is the seat of love and impacts our ability to give and receive. If you are lonely or feel that no one loves you, then, maybe there is some blockage in your Heart Chakra. For anything regarding positive communication,  the Throat Chakra should be clear, without any energy blockage. The Third Eye or Brow Chakra is the basis of common sense, wisdom, intelligence, dreams, spirituality and intuition. Memory retention is also associated with this Chakra. The Crown Chakra, the crown of all Chakras is located near the brain and influences our physical and mental atmosphere.

Aromatherapy and Chakras: Essential oils can help cure blockage or congestion in Chakras. Some of the oils that guide in balancing Chakras vary according to different Chakras.

1. Root Chakra oils: Located near the tail bone, the Root Chakra is all about understanding our deeper selves. Angelic Root, Myrrh, Frankincense, Spikenard, Vetiver, Benzoin and others. When applied directly, it influences your sense of security and enhances signs of positive productivity.

2. Sacral Chakra oils: Sacral Chakra is also the seat of sexual desire. Oils you can use for the Chakras are – Bergamot, Cardamom, Neroli, Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Rose and others. Sexual problems, emotional dependency and infidelity – all occur due to imbalance in the Sacral Chakra.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra oils: Located above the naval, this Chakra can be healed by Black Pepper, Clove, Cinnamon, Mandarin, Coriander, Cypress, Ginger, Grapefruit, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Spearmint, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang and Geranium.

4. Heart Chakra oils:
Seat of love, this Chakra needs to be pampered with Bergamot, Cypress, Lemon, Lavender, Jasmine, Rose, Orange, Sandalwood, Tangerine, Melissa, Neroli and others to function in balance.

5. Throat Chakra oils: Basil, Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress, Spearmint and Peppermint are oils for this Chakra. The oils can improve communication skills and make you a patient listener.

6. Third Eye Chakra oils: Angelica Root, Bay Laurel, Frankincense, Patchouli, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vetiver and Clary Sage are some of the oils used for Third Eye Chakra.

7. Crown Chakra oils: Crown Chakra, the crown of your whole self, can be balanced with Cedarwood, Elemi, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Myrrh, Neroli, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Vetiver and Rose.

Application of oils: Mix your essential oils with carrier oils and apply directly on the Chakra region. For the Root Chakra, you can apply the blend either to your feet or on your lower back. Do not apply on genitals or mucous membranes or cuts/wounds. Application of oils, along with positive orientation or Chakra music can help heal and balance your Chakras in a very effective way.