If only we had the power to focus on what we wanted to accomplish, the word ‘procrastination’ would never have emerged – says an anonymous author. Procrastination is the thief of time, they say. But why do we procrastinate or postpone? Often it is lack of interest or lack of focus in the work at hand. We let too many things clutter our mind that we have forgotten what it is to focus and concentrate upon the task in hand. There are several other distractions too. With technological advancements and everything happening from your handheld, there are too many things like email, twitter and social media to grab your attention. If only we know what is to concentrate completely, we would never talk of meeting deadlines or even setting deadlines. In such a state of affairs, tips to improve the power of focus are a must. This article will detail on how to enhance your concentration using essential oils.
Essential oil concentration blends: Aromatherapy can help you improve your power of focus too. It can adjust your body and mind and help you attend to what is important. Inhaling the following essential oil blends or using them in your room diffusers can clear your mind and motivate you to be in the present and focus on the task at hand.
1. Blend for attentiveness: Many students and children in the United States suffer from ADHD syndrome. Though the disease is curable, you can prevent it or alleviate its symptoms with this attentiveness blend. To make the blend, combine 1 drop of Cyprus oil with 2 drops of Cedarwood, 2 drops of Lemon and 1 drop of Pine oil. This essential oil blend will be highly helpful to students who are studying for exams or those who want to improve their productivity at office.
2. Blend for alertness: Some people can be less shrewd than others. This may often be the case if there are three or four children at home. Some maybe shrewd, others maybe dull or dumb. To improve alertness, blend 2 drops of Eucalyptus with 3 drops of Rosemary and 3 drops of Tangerine.
3. Blend for motivation: If you are down in the dumps and cannot find a ray of hope in your current situation, relax! Take a deep breath of this aromatic blend and forget all your worries. You will be invigorated and feel happy. Combine 2 drops of Basil with 4 drops of Bergamot, 1 drop of Clove and 2 drops of Ginger.
4. Blend for mental clarity: If you are confused and need mental clarity, use this blend in your diffuser and inhale it. To make the blend, use 2 drops of Bay oil with 3 drops of Ginger and 2 drops of Rosemary. Shake well in a bottle and use it for clarity.