Tag Archives: essential oils for infants

Bubble-gum recipes and boo-boo blends: Aromatherapy for your little kiddo

Aromatherapy is not all about serious or medicinal stuff. It can be fun too. You can use aromatherapy for your kids too. Yes, you can make your children great essential oil blends and treat them to the scent of health. You can make them essential oil recipes that would drive away their fear, frustration and blues and make them jump and play in joy. You can make them sociable, jovial and funny with your blends. You can energize them, make them proactive and sharp-minded with your plant oils. Above all, you can cook great fun recipes to drive off their fear of monsters, teachers and injuries. This article will provide you all possible tips and recipe ideas to make your child live in happiness and excitement.

Essential oil blends for children: These blends are ideal for kiddos of any age. In fact, you (if you are an adult) can try them yourself to become a child once again.

1. Bubble Gum blend: Made for bubble gum lovers. If your child is one, this is the way to please him or her. Make the blend and use it in a diffuser in your child’s room or add it in his/her bath water. You can even pour some in your air freshener. Children love bubble gums and this recipe is sure to register aromatherapy as a great fun idea in their minds. To make the recipe, mix 4 drops of Grapefruit oil with 2 drops of Ylang Ylang and 1 drop of Eucalyptus Radiata. When you are done with the blending, follow the safety precautions and use the recipe in  a way which would suit your child.

Note that certain oils can have contraindications or side effects on children and adults. For instance, Grapefruit is photo-toxic and hence this blend should be used with caution when used as a massage oil. Better, do not use it as massage oil. Also, take care that your child does not touch or drink even a drop of the oil. Keep it out of reach of pets and kids and enjoy the aroma of bubble gum pervade your home.

2. Boo-boo Juice blend: Fear is a constant in the lives of children. They fear monsters, injuries, surprise attacks, unknown enemies…in brief, they live in a world of imagination which is entirely different from ours. If your little one is stuck with some sort of “boo-boo” fear, this recipe can cure all that. In fact, the recipe can act as an antiseptic and first-aid to treat any injury major or minor. To prepare the recipe, saturate a cotton ball with witch hazel. Then, apply one drop of Lavender to saturate the cotton ball and ask your little one to smell the boo-boo juice. The aroma of Lavender can be pretty soothing and your kiddo will definitely love it. After calming your child, gently apply the cotton ball (with Lavender) on the wound or injury. If your little one is interested, allow him or her to do the medicating and sit and watch.

This boo-boo blend will make your child happy and fearless. The next time the child meets with an injury, it will calm itself by asking for the Boo-boo blend.