Tag Archives: aromatherapy for winter blues

Beat the dread of winter: 4 ways to combat winter blues with essential oils

Winter can be frigid and downright bleak sometimes. This is possible especially in the United States where winters are becoming colder than ever. But winter is not an all-bleak season. It is actually the season of holidays and festivities. A season where we get together with friends and family to celebrate life and love. But this also is the season where people can fight with depression, mood changes or blues. Devoid of the natural light of the sun, people can lack the pep and energy to do things or be as active as they are in summer time. No wonder Shakespeare asked his lover, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” With so much scope for seasonal stress, it is better to be prepared to beat the winter blues. This article will elaborate on how to use essential oil blends to combat depression that strikes during winter.

Essential oils for winter blues: Winter blues do not strike all and sundry. It is mostly caused due to heavy stress, jam-packed schedules, overeating of unhealthy food, lack of exercise, reduced sleeping hours or too much of traveling. People who are away from families (during Christmas) or those who have lost their loved ones, or ones who have painful memories of the past, stressful health issues or financial stress etc. may also go through winter blues. In brief, the cause can be overdoing the holiday season or not being able to be enjoy well or physiological changes on account of bleak weather and dropping temperatures. The shorter daylight hours can too have a huge impact on your psyche and body.
Beating the winter blues is possible with aromatherapy. By aromatherapy, we do not mean the fragrance oils that are shelfed neatly in stores, we mean the essential oils that are pure extracts from plants, herbs, barks, flowers and other plant parts. Why is aromatherapy useful? There are several reasons. Aromatherapy gives instant relief from body pain or any other problem in the physiology due its close communion with the limbic system of the brain. Essential oils for stress or fatigue, relax you, uplift you and energize you with liveliness. Aromatherapy can warm up your spirits and fight out any blues syndrome you may have. Above all, they are natural, pure and do not have any side effects, whatsoever.

Blends for beating winter blues: When you live in a gray-skied, bleak winter world, you can naturally become subject of blues. Blues do not mean depression, but lack of energy, activity or vivacity in life. You feel moody, unwilling to do tasks and unhappy or down in the dumps. To fight the sadness, your first respite should be Citrus oils. Essential oils like Orange, Lemon and Grapefruit are ideal to rejuvenate you with enthusiasm and life. You can use such oils in diffusers or add them in bath water or  as massage oil.

1. Winter Blues Blend 1: Add 3 drops of Orange to 2 drops of Grapefruit and combine well. Mix with carrier oil if you want to massage on to body. A total of 10 drops of the blend will do for massaging, while you will need about 20 drops for diffuser use.

2. Winter Blues Blend 2: Orange is the prime ingredient here. Combine 4 drops of Orange with 1 drop of Ylang Ylang. You will be refreshed and ebullient on using this blend.

3. Winter Blues Blend 3: This is a Bergamot special. Use 3 drops of Bergamot oil with 1 drop of Neroli and 1 drop of Jasmine. Add to a carrier oil for use as massage oil. Or, pour into diffuser and perfume your living space.

4. Winter Blues Blend 4: Add 3 drops of Grapefruit to 2 drops of Cypress. Combine well and add the blend in your diffuser for your advantage.