Rowan | |
Rowan – sorbus aucuparia – Also known as Mountain Ash, Witchwood, Witchbane, and Sorb Apple. A Druid sacred tree and sacred to the goddess Bride/Bridgit, Rowan bears clusters of spring flowers and bright red berries in autumn, when the leaves may turn red. The berries, rich in vitamin C, can be made into a tart jelly, Ground into flour, fermented into wine, or distilled into spirit. The seeds should be removed as they can contain hydrocyanic acid and are considered poisonous. Rowan is a traditional country charm against witchcraft. Rowan is a close relative of Sorbus americana -American mountain ash- and can be used in the same way herbally. The bark is decocted for diarrhea and for vaginal douches; simmer two teaspoons of the bark per cup of water for twenty minutes. The bark is tinctured in alcohol for eight days to treat fevers -especially intermittant fevers. The berries are gathered when ripe and then dried or made into jam. The berries are very high in vitamin C and are useful for sore throats and tonsillitis. Take one teaspoon of the fresh berry juice or a quarter cup of of the tea made by simmering one teaspoon per cup of water for twenty minutes. The ancient Welsh made an ale from rowan berries. Aromatherapy & Health Uses: The berries are very high in vitamin C and are useful for sore throats and tonsillitis. Take one teaspoon of the fresh berry juice or a quarter cup of of the tea made by simmering one teaspoon per cup of water for twenty minutes Other Uses: Rowan is said to have come from the land of Fairy and as such is a very magical tree used for wands, rods, amulets, and spells. Carrying Rowan wood increases psychic powers. Wear a tiny cross of rowan wood somewhere in your clothing or protection.
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