Category Archives: Uses of Essential Oils

Don’t bite heads off: Aromatherapy blends for anger management

Your boss. Your neighbor. That infuriating talk show host. Your teen’s shoddy behavior. Your spouse’s irresponsible drinking habit. The traffic on the way to your office. Your incorrigible in-laws. Your stupid colleague. Your oft-disconnected WiFi network. And above all, the hell a lot of noise your neighbor’s poodle makes at night. Just think. What are the things that drive you up a wall? How many people infuriate you with their behaviors? How aggressive are you when you become angry?

Anger management is not that easy. People who have been there and done it, know. Though research, therapies and medications are there to help with controlling your anger, nothing helps without you taking the first step. Often, this involves being dumb about your anger and loading the hurt inside. This can be more harmful as you can explode at one point if you keep suppressing your fury. It can also affect you physically and psychologically if you are not taking care of yourself. Research has found out that people with high blood pressure saw a jump in their pressure when they were angry. For some, anger can lead to asthma symptoms and angina attacks. In brief, anger can be all-consuming if you are not careful or do not know how to manage it.

Aromatherapy for anger management: Essential oils can do a lot in controlling anger. With their calming and soothing effects, essential oils reduce everyday anger and make you peaceful and at home with yourself. The following aromatherapy blends can help control anger:

1. Rose oil: Rose is a symbol of beauty and love. The very thought of the flower or a whiff of the oil can bring peace in you. You can inhale the oil directly from the bottle or rub it on to your pulse points for better performance. If possible, you can add a few drops on to your handkerchief and use it all through the day. A more economical way of using the oil is to use a candle diffuser. This would be more beneficial as you can share it with everyone at home.

2. Aromatherapy blends: You can use the following blends as diffuser oils, bath oils, massage oils, air fresheners and bath salts. Before we look at the proportions of the blends to be used, let’s get an overview of the blends:

Blend 1:
For most calming effects, mix 1 drop of Rose with 3 drops of Orange and 1 drop of Vetiver.

Blend 2: For a pleasant atmosphere, add 3 drops of Bergamot to 1 drop of Ylang Ylang and 1 drop of Jasmine

Blend 3: For a sense of peace and refreshment, add 1 drop of Roman Chamomile to 2 drops of Bergamot and 2 drops of Orange.

Blend 4: For easy everyday use, add 3 drops of Orange oil to 2 drops of Patchouli.

3. How to use aromatherapy blends for anger: Once you have prepared or experimented with your blends, you can use them in the following ways:

Diffuser oils: Add 20 drops of your blend (can be got by multiplying your blend 4 times) to your diffuser following your manufacturer’s instructions.

Bath oils: Bathing is a great way to temper your anger. Multiply your blend by 3 times and add 15 drops of it to your bath oil recipe.

Massage oils: Use 10 drops of your blend, mix it with a good carrier oil and massage your body with it. Massaging can relax your tensed muscles and bring you peace of mind.

Bath salts: Adding anger-controlling oils in your bath salts recipe is a good idea to bring in a sense of peace. Add 5 drops of your chosen blend to your regular bath salt recipe.

Air Fresheners: To make the whole room or living area aromatic and bring in a sense of peaceful atmosphere, add 30 drops of your blend to your air freshener recipe.

When the head hurts: 4 ways to use aromatherapy for headaches

It can be really painful when it hurts in the head. Headaches and migraines can paralyze your daily routine and havoc your schedules, meetings or office work. You will become stressed and physically inactive when you have a severe migraine or a cluster headache. Though many oral medications offer relief, nothing works better like aromatherapy. Rubbing your favorite essential oil or inhaling a blend or adding a relaxing essential oil blend to your bath can alleviate the pain and stress caused by headaches and migraines.

Essential oils for headaches/migraines: Choosing a particular essential oil for your headaches can be very tough. Your body needs to respond to the oil and the oil’s properties should relax and de-stress you from headache pain. Normally, the following carrier oils and essential oils are used for preparing headache/migraine blends:

Carrier Oils: Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel, Avocado, Coconut, Sesame
Essential Oils: Lavender, Peppermint, Melissa, Jasmine, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Bay

Before you start using an oil or preparing an essential oil blend, you need to understand how intense and difficult your headache is. If you feel depressed, panicked or anxious because your migraines, you need to use oils that treat depression and anxiety. On the other hand, if you feel troubled or sleepless because of the headaches, use oils that induce sleeping or relaxing effect. Below are a few ways to use essential oils for headaches/migraines:

1. Migraine Blend: Add Sweet Almond oil to two-thirds of a bottle and mix the following with the Almond oil – 6 drops of Lavender, 6 drops of Clary Sage, 6 drops Chamomile, 12 drops Peppermint and shake the blend well. Check the fragrance of the blend. If it is unpleasant to you, add whichever oil pleases you or whichever will make the blend more pleasant. Apply the blend on temples and areas that are painful. Don’t overdo the massaging part. Keep it light. You can also rub some on to your palm and inhale it.

2. Relaxing Blend:
A relaxing blend can help you stay calm and soothe your pain. Use this recipe to prepare a sleep blend of essential oils for your headaches/migraines. Like the previous recipes, add 2/3s  of Sweet Almond oil in a bottle and mix the following with the carrier oil – 6 drops Lavender, 6 drops of Bergamot and 6 drops of Chamomile. If the bottle is still not full, add Jasmine oil (mixed with 10% of Jojoba oil). You can also substitute this with Mandarin oil to make the fragrance pleasant. Mix everything by shaking the bottle. You can apply the blend on your temples or even sprinkle on your pillow etc. to induce a calm and sleepy environment. When you go to sleep, your headache will be gone.

3. Compress for headache: Add 5 drops of Eucalyptus or Lavender oil to 1 cup of cold water. Swish a soft cloth in the blend. Wring out the cloth and place it on your forehead and eyes. Use throughout the day as much as you can. The pain and severity will be reduced.

4. Migraine/Headache hand soak: Add 5 drops of Lavender oil to 5 drops of Ginger oil in 1 quart of hot water (at about 110 degrees F). Soak your hands in the blend for at least 3 minutes. You will feel relieved and relaxed when you do this. You can repeat the therapy if required.

Bite that bug back: 6 aromatherapy tips for insect bites and stings

Insect bites, bee stings, gnat and chigger bites can cause inflammation, pain, swelling and itching on the skin. Though going to the doctor is a possible option, it is a bit expensive for an ordinary insect bite. This is where essential oils come handy. Many aromatherapy oils can be used in treating insect and mosquito bites in the body. Some oils also protect the body by keeping the bugs off, completely. Whatever be your option – bug treatment or bug-off recipe – aromatherapy can help a lot in keeping bugs at bay.

Essential oils for insect bites: Insect bites are not that debilitating like other skin disorders or infections. But they can be irritating and painful if left untreated. There are several essential oil remedies for bug bites and below are a few of them:
1. Essential oils for bug bites: Some of the commonly-used essential oils for bug bites and bee stings are Lavender, Tea Tree, Chamomile, Peppermint and Eucalyptus. A few oils which can keep bugs completely out of your environment are – Birch, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clove, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Orange, Peppermint, Pine and Sandalwood. While Peppermint stops itching and repels ants, Lavender and others heal the inflammation and wound caused by the bite.

2. Oils to dab on to your skin: Some conditions like mosquito bites, insect bites and others which do not need much attention can be treated with direct application of essential oils. You can dab oils like Lavender, Tea Tree, Roman Chamomile or Eucalyptus directly on to the affected skin area and get instant relief from itching. Chamomile and other oils can reduce the swelling and inflammation, reducing the itching and allergies caused by bug bites.

3. Bug-off repellents: This blend keeps bugs at bay. To prepare the blend, add 12 drops of Citronella with 12 drops of Eucalyptus, 6 drops of Cedarwood, 6 drops of Geranium and 1 oz of rubbing alcohol or vodka. Mix all the ingredients together and dab on to the skin directly. If you have added too much of alcohol, avoid rubbing excess of the blend on to your skin. Excess massaging can cause skin damage and hence apply on a cloth above the skin area. This would also avoid too much absorption of the blend through your skin.

4. Poultice for bug bites and stings: If you are stung by strong insects like bees, you need to first pull the stinger out and then treat with essential oils. To prepare bite and sting poultice, you need to add 12 drops of Lavender with 5 drops of Chamomile, 1 tbsp of Bentonite clay, 1 teaspoon of tincture and 2 teaspoons of distilled water. Put the clay in a container and mix with all the other ingredients. Add essential oils and then, stir to distribute them evenly. When the mixture is of the consistency of a thick paste, apply on to the affected area. You can store this paste for several days in a tight lid container. If the paste is dehydrated, add a little diluted water to bring it back to the paste-like consistency and use.

5. For gnat and chigger bites: Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 3 drops of Thyme oil and make a blend. Apply the blend to bitten area and get relief. You can also work with Peppermint oil mixed with a carrier oil.

6. Insect repellent: To prepare an insect repellent, add 25 drops of Cajeput oil with 19 drops of Lemon, 19 drops of Geranium, 13 drops of Cedarwood and 2 oz of Sweet Almond oil. Mix the ingredients in a plastic pet bottle and apply to exposed skin area whenever needed.

Bon voyage (minus discomfort): 5 aromatherapy cures for travel disorders

Aromatherapy can be of great help to travelers. If you are a travel freak or one forced to travel all around the world, on account of business or personal reasons, chances are, you suffer from a lot of travel ailments. You may have jet lag after too many hours of continuous flying or fatigue and nausea after too much of road or rail traveling. Since travel cannot be avoided, the best solution to your ailments is a first aid aromatherapy kit. If you keep a few essential oils handy, you can avoid a lot of travel disorders and discomforts and experience the joy of traveling.

Aromatherapy for travel ailments: Many aches, ailments and pains hit a traveler and you are no exception. So, if you had to travel long distances, ensure that you carry at least a few basic essential oils mentioned here. Better if you have this essential oils kit with you always as you can undergo health problems even during short trips.

Essential oils to have during travel: Some of the best essential oils that you can carry while traveling include – Eucalyptus, Lavender, Geranium, Ginger, Peppermint, Rosemary and a few hydrosols (at least Lavender hydrosol). Below are a list of travel aromatherapy cures using these essential oils:

1. Ear and Sinus problem: One of the common problems with people undergoing air travel is ear discomfort, especially during flight take offs and landings. Though this is a minor discomfort, it can result in temporary pain, hearing loss and sinus problem. To avoid the problem, inhale Eucalyptus oil before take off and while landing. The oil has decongestant properties which help ease popping ears and clear any possible sinus discomfort.

2. To protect against infection: Flights are places where the air that circulates carries infectious germs from all passengers and spreads to the less-immune ones. To avoid trouble caused by the air system, use Lavender oil. Lavender oil is anti-viral and hence will support your immune system very effectively. You can also use Eucalyptus on account of its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Ensure you drink lots of water while flying and also avoid any sort of diuretic or stimulant or other drugs while using aromatherapy.

3. For nausea and headache: Nausea and headaches are common after long travel by rail or road or boat. Since you cannot avoid travel nor leave several breaks in between, it is better to keep yourself armed with an aromatherapy kit. Ensure that you have Ginger oil in your kit. You can take a drop or two of the oil in a tissue and inhale it deeply and regularly while traveling. You can add several drops of the oil to a cotton ball and do this. Use Peppermint oil if you suffer from a headache as a result of the nausea.

4. For a refreshing self: If you are dead tired after a particular travel, use Lavender hydrosol and refresh yourself. The hydrosol works wonders especially if you have had a long hot flight travel. You can also use the same to cleanse your face and clear your make-up. It is so refreshing that in a matter of seconds, you feel completely altered and geared up for you next expedition. You can also use it as an undiluted compress on the neck, shoulders and forehead to reduce headaches, tension and stress.

5. To relieve yourself of fatigue: Fatigue is one of the most common and worst byproducts of traveling. A fun trip becomes an exercise in exhaustion if you had to travel on long, bumpy roads or continuously for hours on different flights to reach your destination. Since exhaustion is unavoidable, you need to have a bottle of Rosemary handy to refresh and relieve your fatigue. You can apply the oil to any tissue and inhale it deeply. This will minimize your fatigue and help you recover quickly.

Burning bladders, infected kidneys: Aromatherapy for bladder infection

Infection of the urinary bladder is common among women than men. This is because, in women, the passage between the bladder and exit is very short and this leads to an increased possibility of infection than in men. It is estimated that about one out of four North American women suffer from bladder infections at least once in their lifetimes. Since infection can enter a woman’s body easily than in men, bladder infection can be debilitating for women. They can result in formation of cysts and a condition called Cystitis or infection of the kidney.

Symptoms of bladder infection: How do you identify that you have a bladder infection? You have a heaviness in your bladder. You have a burning sensation in your genitals as you urinate. You may get false alarms which would force you to go to toilets only to find that your infection is playing truant with you. Sometimes there is a dull ache in the lower back. If your infection has reached this last stage, contact your doctor immediately as this be an early sign of a kidney infection. Yes, your bladder infection can spread to your kidneys and rob you of your peace of mind.

Aromatherapy for bladder infection: There are several essential oils to be used for treatment of bladder infection. Some of them are: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Fir, Frankincense, Juniper Berry, Sandalwood and Tea Tree oil. Other oils that can be used include – Cajeput, Clary Sage, Clove, Cypress, Peppermint, Rosemary etc. Below are some of the ways on how to prevent or cure your bladder infection:

1. Bladder infection oil: Combine 8 drops of Juniper Berry or Cypress oil with 6 drops of Tea Tree, 6 drops of Bergamot, 2 drops of Fennel and 2 drops of Vegetable oil. Mix the blend well and massage on to your bladder area. Your bladder is below your lower abdomen. You can also add the oil to your bath tub.

2. Blend for Sitz bath: Add 5 drops of Rosemary to 5 drops of Lavender in a hot bath. Sit in the bathtub with hot water for about 10 minutes. Enough if you immerse your body till your waistline in water. After the particular time, switch to a tub of cold water for at least one minute. You can do this 4 or 5 times to clear your bladder of impurities.

3. E.Coli killer: As most of us know, the main reason behind bladder infections are E.Coli, the powerful and harmful bacteria. It is responsible for this and a few vaginal infections. Cranberry juice is famous for treating your bladder infection. Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, is also a cause for such urinary and vaginal infections.

Diffuse to defend: 6 aromatherapy diffuser blends to guard against infection

Diffusing essential oils in your home environment is useful in many ways than one. Though many tend to think of diffusing as a laborious or unnecessary thing, it is not so. When you diffuse a micro-fine, vaporized mist of essential oil blends in a room or enclosed atmosphere, you defend yourself and your family against potentially life-threatening bacteria and viruses.

Why should you diffuse oils? A diffuser is a special air pump designed to disburse essential oils in a micro-fine vapor in an enclosed space. The vapors stay suspended in the area for several hours, killing or paralyzing infectious organisms. Such diffused oils not just freshen the room with natural fragrances but also kill the pathogens that live in the environment. By using a diffuser, you protect your living atmosphere from dangerous infectious germs, fungus and microbes.

You may ask how diffusing can help with regard to infections outside the home environment. It may not help with infections contracted from outside environment, but it will certainly aid in not letting the infection spread to others in your home. Breathing in air diffused with essential oils will kill and clear any virus or bacteria lining your respiratory tract. It creates a defense mechanism inside you, guarding you against all kinds of possible future infections too. Though there are many devices available to diffuse essential oils at home, not many use it on account of their lack of knowledge in using diffusers and blending oils. This article will give you six most common and easy recipes on how to blend oils to be used in a diffuser.

Diffusing essential oils – tips: Diffusing essential oils releases negative ions which kill microbes and prevent them from infecting people. So, you need to be careful with the amount of oils used in a diffuser pump. Thicker essential oils, in general, diffuse slowly than thinner oils. A 15 ml bottle of a thicker oil like Sandalwood may take about 48 hours to diffuse completely, while a thinner oil like Lemon will diffuse within 8 hours. Oils that can be diffused on a daily basis include – Lavender, Lemon, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood etc. You can blend oils and diffuse them for greater benefits. Below are some of the most popular diffuser blends used at homes:

1. Blend 1: Use 4 drops of Rosewood with 5 drops of Lavender and  1 drop of Ylang Ylang.

2. Blend 2: Use 5 drops of Rosemary with 1 drop of Peppermint, 3 drops of Lavender and 1 drop of Roman Chamomile

3. Blend 3: Add 2 drops of Grapefruit and 2 drops of Ylang Ylang to 2 drops of Lemon and create a blend.

4. Blend 4: Mix 7 drops of Sweet Orange with 4 drops of Ylang Ylang to create an aromatic blend

5. Blend 5: Add 8 drops of Sweet Orange to 4 drops of Patchouli to make a nice blend and use it in your home environment, especially living area.

6. Blend 6: Use 5 drops of Peppermint with 5 drops of Lavender and 9 drops of Sweet Orange to make a light blend. This may diffuse faster, but will definitely lend a cozy feel to your home.

When you prepare a blend, remember to read through the instructions of the manufacturer. Add only required drops of essential oils to each blend, else you may end up making a highly concentrated essential oil or a very light diffuser blend.

Sneezy routines, droplet days: Aromatherapy for chest congestion

Sneezing, cough and congestion are common during autumn or winter. Cold and flu are so common that almost everyone who has a low immunity level becomes vulnerable to it. Since the flu virus spreads from person to person very rapidly, preventing it can be difficult. Sinus infection can also be a source of headaches, runny noses and droplet infection if left untreated. However, the oral over the counter drugs that we take often fail to offer immediate or complete relief. This is why it becomes important to search for alternative remedies. Control over your condition can be achieved only through natural remedies like essential oils.

Essential oils for congestion: Chest congestion can be both painful and troublesome. You will have difficulty in breathing, excessive mucus blockage in the nasal passages accompanied by flu, cough and sniffles. It is always better to keep a stock of essential oils for treatment of such conditions. Some of the essential oils that help with chest and nasal congestion are – Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Lemon, Tea Tree oil, Ravensara, and Frankincense. Most of these essential oils have anti-viral properties which make them immuno-stimulators and flu-annihilators. They act upon the flu virus, and give immediate relief.

Below are some of the commonly-used essential oils for chest congestion:

1. Eucalyptus oil: When it comes congestion, nothing works like Eucalyptus oil. The active chemical compounds in the oil work well in clearing nasal blockages and sinus congestion. Like menthol, Eucalyptus oil acts on receptors in the nasal mucosa and reduce the symptoms of congestion. The astringent properties of the oil also help with reducing inflammation of the mucous membrane and the upper respiratory tract. The oil is also an antiseptic which has strong germicidal properties to effectively kill staphylococcus bacteria and also treat tuberculosis. Studies have proved that Eucalyptus is so vehement on bacteria that even a 2% diluted solution of the oil can kill 70% of air-bone staphylococcus bacteria.

With Eucalyptus oil, you can inhale it through steam inhalation or use an aromatherapy diffuser. The chemical component called ‘Eucalyptol’ in the oil will destroy the bacteria and loosen the phlegm.

2. Pine oil: Pine oil is good for highly congested chest or nose. Owing to its healing and strong aromatic properties, it helps with coughs, chills and aches related to flu and common cold.

3. Lavender and Peppermint oils: Lavender oils fight infection, reduces inflammation and eases congestion. Peppermint oil, like Lavender oil, reduces infection, clears congestion and kills the flu-virus.

Some of the methods that can clear congestion using these essential oils include – aromatherapy diffuser, steam inhalation and aromatic baths. Quick relief can be got by using Eucalyptus and Peppermint oil combined with steam. The steam opens up the blocked bronchial passages, making breathing a simple and easy affair. Another classic way to use essential oils is to add drops of the oils into a bowl of boiling water, lean over it and inhale the steam (from escaping) by covering with a towel. Doing this for five minutes can clear nasal congestion completely.

Chest-rub Massage oil:
This massage oil can be used for children who have bronchial or respiratory infection. It can be rubbed on to the chest for instant relief. Recipe includes –

  • 1 drop Lavender oil
  • 1 drop Tea Tree oil
  • 1 drop Niaouli oil
  • 1 drop Sandalwood oil
  • 25 ml of Jojoba oil

Mix the oils and when the blend is ready, massage them on to the chest for congestion relief.

When love hurts: How to treat herpes and shingles with essential oils

Can love hurt? Yes, it can if you have genital herpes. About 500,000 people suffer from genital herpes and half of this crowd do not know they have the disease. Herpes is a painful viral infection which appears mostly on the genitals and near the mouth in the form of blisters, lesions and shingles. Caused by the herpes simplex type 2 virus, genital herpes can make life hell for the person who has it. He or she cannot have sex with a partner nor can find an easy cure to the condition. The ordinary herpes that occurs in parts other than the genital area is also painful. It can be a source of huge social embarrassment for patients, making them look ugly and awkward in public eyes.

Herpes cure: Once you get the herpes virus, there is no way to eliminate it from your body. You can only control the lesions and shingles it causes, or boost up your immunity levels to prevent an outbreak. Since the herpes virus is highly contagious, having sex with a herpes patient (during an outbreak) can mean a definite attack of the virus to the other partner. It also makes the intercourse painful and difficult for both the partners. Herpes blisters in the mouth area are no less severe. They cause a burning sensation, making it difficult to converse or eat.

Though drugs like acyclovir help, there is no complete cure to the herpes virus. Immediate relief is also a distant possibility as the virus attacks only in times of a weakened immune system. However, research has revealed that aromatherapy can offer instant cure from herpes attacks. Essential oils do not just fight the herpes simplex virus, but also boost up your immune system and lets you relax and ward off physical and emotional stress.

Aromatherapy for Herpes treatment: There are several essential oils with relaxing properties. But only a few help treat the actual herpes symptoms like lesions, blisters and shingles. Some of them are mentioned below:

1. Cayenne oil: Topical creams made from capsaicin, a compound found in Cayenne oil deadens the pain of herpes and shingles. Cayenne oil, when added with a cream base, can work well and provide immediate relief. But it can also burn the skin too much if used excessively. So, be careful in usage of the oil.

2. Tea Tree oil: Also known as niaouli, Tea Tree oil offers one of the best remedies for herpes. Recipes made using Niaouli cures instantly, alleviating the pain and embarrassment associated with herpes. Applying a single drop of Tea Tree oil directly on to the genital herpes lesions once a day can make the blisters vanish quickly. The oil’s healing properties help heal any external sore faster and herpes is no exception.

3. Myrrh and other oils: Though a bit expensive, Myrrh oil is also an effective cure. Other oils like Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Peppermint etc too help in treating herpes. To prepare a good remedy, dilute the essential oil of your choice in an equal amount of vegetable oil and apply directly on to the lesions. If applied immediately after an outbreak, you may prevent further outbreaks.

Natural antidotes: 10 reasons why therapeutic-grade essential oils heal better

Essential oils heal – we all know that. But a fact that escapes our purview is, not all essential oils heal. Yes, only therapeutic-grade essential oils can help in coping with the health challenges of the body. And  therapeutic-grade essential oils need to be well manufactured (at low temperature and controlled pressure) to heal naturally. The highest quality of essential oils should be raw, pure and unadulterated (with fragrances) to heal in their natural states. To produce a pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil, monitoring should happen right from the plant in the field to the extraction and preservation process. Proper species growth, growing conditions, harvesting and distillation methods – everything, till the testing of the final product, should be monitored.

Why therapeutic grade essential oils?
There are reasons behind emphasizing the importance of therapeutic grade essential oils. This is because only real essential oils are effective and produce the right kind of therapeutic remedies. Using perfume-grade oils or other fragrances mixed with drops of essential oils will not just spoil your health but can also cause skin infections. To avoid trouble, use oils that are unadulterated, clear and without any additives.

Some manufacturers tend to blend pure oils with inexpensive vegetable oil blends. Since it is difficult to find out between therapeutic grade oils and such vegetable oil blends, buy your essential oils from an authorized and reputed aromatherapist. Never allow any room for synthetics, vegetable carriers or extra fragrances in your oils. It is better if you can perform a laboratory test using Gas Chromatograph (GC) and Mass Spectrometer (MS) on your essential oils before buying them.

Below are a few reasons on how pristine quality essential oils help with health challenges in a better way:

1. High oxygen to cells: Pure, therapeutic grade essential oils deliver high levels of oxygen to cells creating an atmosphere where pathogens cannot survive.

2. Rich in antioxidants: Essential oils are rich in antioxidant properties which make them infection-resistant and health-prone.

3. Negative-ion environment: Oils create a negative ion environment which are inimical to pathogens and other disease-causing agents

4. Immuno-stimulators: Many essential oils are immuno-stimulators which boost up a weakened immune system and help with the proper functioning of the body. High altitude Lavender, Lemon are such immuno-stimulator oils.

5. Anti-germ properties: Most of the essential oils are antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic in nature. This helps eliminate the possibility of infections from microbes.

6. Ability to break blood-brain barrier: Aromatic oils like Lemon, Frankincense and Sandalwood have sesquiterpenes – chemical constituents which have the ability to break the blood-brain barrier and treat diseases instantly.

7. Electrical frequency:
Properly extracted essential oils have electrical frequencies which raises the body to a higher frequency level, making it disease-free. Rose oil is such a high frequency oil.

8. Endorphins for well-being:
Almost all essential oils stimulate the release of endorphins which create a sense of joy in the body. The endorphins achieve this by relaxing the body and relieving physical and emotional stress.

9. Natural chelators:
Most of the therapeutic-grade essential oils are natural chelators which have the capacity to drive toxins (metallic elements) out of the cells. Helichrysum oil is a good example.

10. Vital nutrients:
All essential oils deliver oxygen and other vital nutrients to malnourished cells to create a sense of wholeness and well being. In brief, they set off healing in the most natural ways possible.

Don’t grit your teeth in pain: 6 toothache aromatherapy remedies

Ouch, it hurts! Nothing can be more annoying than a severe pain in the tooth. You would barter anything for it as toothache can be simply irritating and often debilitating to anyone who has been through it. What more, your oral hygiene determines your entire body’s hygiene. If there is something wrong with your oral health, it is an indicator that something is wrong or going to be wrong with your body. Poor tooth and gums need medical attention and nutritional supervision.

Essential oils can be extremely helpful in maintaining oral hygiene. Aromatherapy can help kills germs, treat tooth and gum disorders and aid one in maintaining a sweet smelling breath. Below are a list of remedies on what to do when you have toothache or occasional sore gums or in case of a foul breath.

1. Mouth Rinsing: If you have pain in your teeth, rinse with the following essential oils – Myrrh, Chamomile, Peppermint, Tea Tree oil etc. To prepare a recipe, simply add 1-2 drops of essential oils in 2 oz of warm water and gargle in your mouth. Repeat several times a day to alleviate the pain.

2. Toothache oil: Use the following oils and prepare a toothache oil recipe – 1 tbsp of Carrier oil, 6 drops of Tea tree oil, 4 drops of Chamomile oil, 2 drops of Myrrh and 2 drops of Peppermint. Blend all the oils together and shake well before use. Apply one drop of the blend in the aching tooth and surrounding gum.

3. Clove oil: Clove oil is often used for toothaches. Add a drop of Clove oil to a cotton ball and apply to the pain area or press against the gum of the affected tooth. You can also replace Myrrh if you have mouth sores. To use Myrrh, use 1-2 drops of with warm water and rinse the mouth with it several times a day.

4. Simple Mouthwash: Foul smelling breath can create a bad reputation for you in the society, among your peers, colleagues and friends. To create a simple refreshing mouthwash, add 4 drops of Lemon with 2 drops of Peppermint in 2 cups of distilled water. Shake the blend well and swish a mouthful for about one minute and spit out. You will feel refreshed after this mouth rinse.

5. Therapeutic Gum Mouthwash: This therapeutic gum mouthwash can treat your gums from becoming sore and painful. To prepare this blend, add 6 drops of Myrrh with 10 drops of Tea Tree oil, 1 drop of Peppermint, 3 drops of Lemon oil, 1 teaspoon of Almond oil and mix together. Apply a small amount to the gums once a day and rinse your mouth with it everyday. If the sores in your mouth or pain in your teeth does not heal, check with a  dentist.

6. Breath Refreshing Mouthwash: Add to 8 oz of water 2 drops of Myrrh, 2 drops of Tea Tree oil and 1 drop of Peppermint. Mix everything together and swish in your mouth a small amount of the blend. Keep the blend in a plastic jar or glass bottle away from the reach of pets or children.